Biology, asked by CaptainBrainly, 1 year ago

Hey Mates !

Write the process of Respiration in human body ?

Long answer needed^^



ShivPriya: I can give the whole answer , it's in my cw
CaptainBrainly: wait I will ask same question
ShivPriya: u can delete that copied answer
CaptainBrainly: wait it will be deleted soon
ShivPriya: Ok
ShivPriya: u need functions of respiratory system...
Sunny20167: ok


Answered by ShivPriya
heya !!!

Like other animals , respiratory system in human beings server to provide fresh oxygen to all body cells and removes harmful carbondioxide from the body .



》Air is taken into the body through nostrils that filtre air by the fine hair that line it.


》Air entering from nostrils leads to the nasal passage. It is responsible for the conditioning of air mainly.


》Nasal chamber opens into pharynx.
》 It passes air to larynx.


》It is located in the neck and protect the trachea .
》It produces sound.


》The air passes from pharynx and goes into trachea.


》Trachea divides into smaller tubes on entering the thoracic cavity which further extends into lungs.


》Bronchi are subdivided into smaller tubes called bronchioles.


》These are balloon like structure located inside the lungs .
》A large number of alveoli increases the surface area for the exchange of gases.


》These are 12 pairs of bones that form a cage in which lungs and heart are safely placed.


》These are primary organs for respiration which are located on the two sides of heart.
》They transport O2 from atmosphere into blood and release CO2 from blood to atmosphere.
》They are enclosed in protective membrane called the PLEURA.


》It is a muscular partition between thorax and abdomen and forms the base of the chest cavity .

hope it helps u dear ^_^

ShivPriya: is this answer ok bro ?
Sunny20167: kk
Hemamalini15: Nyc answer my sistah
ShivPriya: Thanks dear ^_^
Hemamalini15: :)
Answered by Anonymous


Respiratory process in human beings is carried out by Respiration system. It is having two parts :

  • Respiratory tract : It is a passage for fresh air to flow in and foul air to flow out of body. It consists of following parts :

1. NOSTRILS : These are pair of slits at the base of nose. Thes are used to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

2. NASAL CAVITY : Both the nostrils open into a cavity above the buccal cavity separated by palate. It is divided into two nasal chambers by a nasal septum.

This cavity contains hair, mucus glands and smell receptors.

Hair and mucus act as barrier for the dust particles and bacteria. Mucus is antibacterial in its nature.

3. PHARYNX : It is a common passage for air and food. It opens into the larynx.

4. LARYNX : It is often called voice box or sound box. It produces the sound with the help of its true vocal cords. On passing the air, vocal cords vibrate and produce sound.

It opens in the pharynx by an opening. This opening is called glottis. It is protected by an elastic, leaf like cartilage, epiglottis.

Another cartilage thyroid cartilage is also present in it. It forms a projection in front wall of the larynx called as Adam's Apple. It opens in the next pipe, the trachea.

5. TRACHEA : It is also called wind pipe. It starts from the base of larynx and extends upto the middle of the thoracic cavity. It is guarded by C shaped rings of cartilages. These support the walls of trachea and prevent its collapsing during breathing.

6. BRONCHI : These are two similar branches arising from the tip of trachea. These are known as primary bronchi. Respective bronchus enters to its lungs.


  • Respiratory organ ( lungs ) : These are also known as pulmones. These lie in thoracic cavity. Right lung is slightly larger than left one. This is because, at the basal part of left lung, there is present a notch - the cardiac notch. It is for the heart.

Lungs lie on a thin muscular membrane - The diaphragm - separating the thoracic and abdominal cavity.

Right lung has three lobes :




Whereas, Left lung has two lobes :




Both lungs are covered by the pleural coats containing pleural fluids.

Bronchi, after entering to their respective lungs divide and redivide into much smaller branches. All these branches appear like a tree, known as the respiratory tree. Branches at last terminate in the balloon like structures - The Alveoli or Mini lungs. Alveoli all very thin walled air sacs. About 300 millions of alveoli are found in two lungs. Walls of alveoli contain an extensive network of blood vessels ( capillaries ).

A thin layer of mucus is present at each alveolus's inner linings. This keeps the alveoli open.



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