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Lesson 1
Who Did Patrick’s Homework
Answering the following questions.
Q 1.What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?
Answer:Patrick thought that his cat was playing with a little doll. It was not a doll, but a
tiny man (elf) wearing woollen shirt with old-fashioned trouser.
Q 2.Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish?
Answer:The little man granted Patrick a wish because he saved the tiny man from the cat.
Q 3.What was Patrick’s wish?
Answer:Patrick wanted the little man to do all his homework till the end of the semester
for 35 days.
Q 4.In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick’s homework?
Answer:The little man needed help in finding the meaning of a word from the dictionary.
He needed help in English, Mathematics and History.
Q 5.How did Patrick help him?
Answer:Patrick worked harder and visited the library many times. He was working-till
late nights and was going to school with his eyes puffed and bleary.
Q 6.Who do you think did Patrick’s homework-the little man, or Patrick himself? Give
reasons for your answer.
Answer:Patrick himself did his homework because the tiny man made him to do it. He
told Patrick to find the meaning of a word from a dictionary and help him in history and
solve mathematics problems. Patrick had to help the elf again and again.