Biology, asked by amun673oyfocs, 1 year ago

hey there buddies.....wanna help...plzz....urgent.....what are your expectations about your teachers and parent at the age of adolescence....


Answered by Anonymous
Hey Friend,

Woof... A great question...Words can't express..The youth faces problems! And the main people to shape them are parents and teachers!!!

ФIntroduction-a little science :)

⇒They say that the age of adolescence is a vulnerable stage of one's life. We say, teenagers get ''mood swings''...this is because of the puberty which is marked by changes and development of the secondary sexual characters. There is a sudden increase in the level of testosterone in boys around 12 to 14 years of age and of oestrogen in girls around the age of 10 to 12 years. These hormones are responsible for the changes taking place in one's body!

Moving on the question....

Note - Teachers are equally important in a teenager's life as his/her parents are. 

⇒Teenagers often lack motivation because of various unknown reasons. At this point of time, they need someone to motivate them. And even though the kids won't realise it, it is expected from the parents and teachers to act as a guiding force and push the kid, make him realise!


⇒Teenagers often feel that their is no support given to them. Support is needed where it is needed. Well, teenagers are subject to doing some things which can't be such cases instead of demotivating or scolding or insulting, explaining is the best way.


⇒Teenagers often are confused about their choices, lack of guidance leads them to do wrong things, or making wrong career choices. Proper guidance is required to keep the kids right on path. This will help the kid in being career oriented. Teachers should be an advocate for students in any appropriate way that they may need, involve parents and family members in a student’s education so that they have support at home and also reach out to students in need


⇒As i stated earlier, at this period in life, kids are very vulnerable! petty fights, scoldings, constantly pointing out, peer pressure, insults, etc...lead to a great discouragement, sadness, depression and other emotions. And kids being is probable that the kids go in a wrong way! A little patience, understanding, forgiving and realistic nature is required...


⇒Teenagers are susceptible to bad behaviors such as smoking, drug abuse, sexual activities and others. Punishing ain't always the solution...Making the kids understand, realise and aware is important. And this can't be done my anyone but parents and teachers. Teenagers tend to do wrong under peer pressure.

ФKeeping them engaged

⇒Empty mind is devil's house! Keeping the kids engaged in fruitful activities to develop their social etiquettes, skills etc! And being realistic is equally important.. understanding the environment, behaviour, surroundings and mood is very important. 


⇒Many a times it happens that the parents and/or teachers are not aware about the happenings or events taking place with/because of the kid. Interactions should be there, various types of interactions..but it should be there! A connection between kid-parent or/and kid-teacher should be maintained! 

There are many many other factors...every person is unique, every person has a different psychology...thus, different needs, different requirements, different qualities, different behaviour. 

At the end, only one thing...Stay positive even when it feels like your life is falling apart. ^_^

Hope it helps!

Cutiepie93: awesome Di..
Anonymous: Thanx Sunita! :-)
RehanAhmadXLX: Nice ..........
Cutiepie93: Wlcm
Anonymous: Thanx Rehan! ^_^
rohitkumargupta: :-)
AkshithaZayn: super!! (sry, i am late. I thought to comment last ;p)
Anonymous: hehe! xD Thanx!
AkshithaZayn: wlc ^ ^
Answered by AkshithaZayn
Hey there!!
Down here⏬

[ As the subject is biology, i would like to give some content closely related to bio ;p]


Adolescence is the people who are aged between 11-19. This is a stage where a person is no longer a child but nor yet an adult. This is a contradicting fact ans so is the the mind of adolescents. Adolescence is the stage when a person face a lot of difficulties in thier life and always face everything with doubts.

At childhood, we all are thought to be disciplined and respect elders. In childhood, most of us seems to obey it (maybe not discipline, not in me ;p) but we may respect and love our parents and teacher so much. But, at the stage of adolescence, most of us hate our elders Most of us, may not agree with this fact as we all know we love our parents and teachers too much. But, have you all noticed one thing, at adolsecence, people may not Appear more obedient and loyal as they were, they may start scolding or talking disrespectfully to thier elders. But, its not at all, our faults. It's our age. Physcology defined the stage of adolsecence as the 'devil age'.

[ Let me talk about my expectations, lemme return to the question ;p]

i expect a lot more as we all except from my teachers and elders. I wish they could understand our feelings and speciality of mah devil age. I really hope that I couldn't want to Make them unhappy by talking disrespectful to them. I wish I could cross my devil age with flying colours without hurting anyone.

From Teachers, i expect a lot than from my parents, as I know, my parents will always support me ;) As i am in 10th now, talking about academics, i wish I could understand anything they are saying (not As last year's :( ) I wish they could be more funny and loving.

From parents, i ain't expecting anything more, nor I need to. I just know they can understand me, especially my mother. She is a person who is made up of different stuff. She do scold me very much, often, very badly ;p but i know, she will always be my well-wisher.

I can't to expect anything more from my father, because, i never felt him I'm perfect from any angle. He is the most perfect person I have ever seen. I have nerver being in love with anyone since I can't to find any Better man than him. He is my superhero and my best friend. We often fight too much, and do a lot of fun. I think he never do any boring advises like my mother do ;p. He talks to me like my classmate.

These are my 'little big' expectations about my parents and teachers. I cant to expect anything more as expectations aren't always fulfilled.

Hope it helps.♥

AkshithaZayn: ;)
AkshithaZayn: lol @Aish
RehanAhmadXLX: Nice ..........
Cutiepie93: good
rohitkumargupta: ☺️☺️☺️
Cutiepie93: ☺️
AkshithaZayn: tq rehan, Sunita, and rohit :D
Anonymous: Well done. :)
AkshithaZayn: tq
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