English, asked by Anjula, 7 months ago

Hey there!

This year I.e 2020 is some sort of lucky and unlucky.

So here is the question:-

Write a review/opinion upon the lockdown.

- advantages (like :nature healing,animals are free)

- disadvantages (economic depression, migrants etc)

Answer in 500+ words.

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#stayhome,stay safe.


Answered by suhani12396


Lock down is a thing which is both in merits as well as demerits. No one would have thought about this time ever. Talking about merits of lockdown. Due to thus many affairs are coming that our ozone layer is healing which is helpful because of less amount of ultraviolet rays from sun. Now many animals are free to their environment. Due to lockdown people are staying safe at home and not using much vehicles and it leads to the decrease of pollution. People are now having clean air to breathe.

Talking about disadvantages that due to this economic issue are going really down. Migrants which have been settled themselves in other countries are now suffering a lot. Many families are not able to see their members even they are suffering from corona virus....




Answered by Anonymous

Two weeks ago, in this column, I argued that India needs to significantly restrict travel and enforce social distancing through a shutdown combined with a universal basic income (UBI) or similarly designed non-means-tested direct cash transfer). I argued this knowing a shutdown would have dire economic consequences for the 275 million Indians below the poverty line and the 300-400 million who are vulnerable to economic stress as they are daily-wage earners or informal-sector workers.

My reason was that India’s healthcare capacity is so low that it cannot handle even a small outbreak of Covid-19, let alone the kind of experience Italy or China suffered. Of the BRICs countries (which include Brazil, Russia and China), India spends the least on healthcare per capita, and has the fewest hospitals, hospital beds, intensive care units, doctors, nurses, etc., per thousand persons. Current capacity is already full, with government facilities overcrowded. In case of a significant outbreak, once again, the same 700- million-odd Indians are less likely to have access to quality healthcare. It is easier and quicker to alleviate economic stress caused by the shutdown through cash transfers, than build healthcare capacity, which would take longer.

But the lockdown may turn into a humanitarian crisis because of poor planning. Indian governments have a tendency to ignore the complexity that human decisionmaking embodies. This seems to reflect a failure to view people as individuals, with all the emotions they have. In an earlier column, I had compared various attempts at social and economic engineering with the exertions of Adam Smith’s “man of system", who “seems to imagine that he can arrange the different members of a great society with as much ease as the hand arranges the different pieces upon a chess-board". Demonetization, attempts at a National Citizens Register, and now the lockdown suggest an approach not very different from that. Each of these has had unintended consequences because of human reactions.

Humans, unlike chess pieces, form expectations, make inferences, respond to incentives, take actions in the face of uncertainty, and display emotions such as worry, anger, resentment, fear and desperation. When a lockdown announcement does not explain how essential goods will be supplied, humans run to stores to stock up. The ideal citizen stays put, but everyone does not have that luxury. When humans, who are paid daily wages hear of a lockdown, they fear economic stress, and worry about their inability to pay rent, buy food and access healthcare. The ideal citizen does no such thing, because he or she places his or her complete trust in the leadership, with no reason to worry about livelihood. When a lockdown declaration does not have any mention of a food subsidy or cash transfer to make up for the economic stress, the human instinct of most is to get close to their families and support systems in order to tide over difficult times. The ideal citizen prioritizes the plan and the country’s good.

The pictures of thousands waiting at a bus terminal in Delhi’s Anand Vihar, videos of Barkha Dutt speaking with economic migrants who are walking and can’t even stop to talk about their distress, and visuals of police using lathis on these people are gut-wrenching, and the scale is frightening. Chinmay Tumbe has pointed out that one-sixth of all Indian households have at least one member who is an economic migrant. Though I am far more privileged, and far less vulnerable to economic and political stress, I am also an economic migrant. Over the last 13 years, I have lived halfway around the globe from my family. My greatest source of anxiety is not being close to them during a family emergency. If I had a financial or medical emergency right now, I would want to be with them. If I felt my parents could not manage alone during the shutdown, I would rush home. The thought of being separated from my family indefinitely because of travel bans and shutdowns worries me. I have not experienced the economic desperation of the migrants who formed crowds in Anand Vihar, hoping to catch buses back to their family homes, but I have experienced their emotional anxiety. And I am not surprised that they wish to go home in dire circumstances, given that the government announced very little by way of assurances to protect them from uncertainty and starvation.

The government, in its containment effort, has made the poorest Indians even more vulnerable. First, because it did not announce instant economic measures, it has probably set in motion what could be the largest mass migration of Indians since Partition. Second, it has exposed millions more to Covid-19, even though the goal of the costly lockdown was containment.

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