English, asked by pbonifa, 4 hours ago

Hey you? Yea you help me pls. Try atleast and if you answered for points you will be deleted ty

Time for School
Source 1: Earlier Isn’t Always Better
by Nancy Bruen

(1) Starting school in the early hours of the morning is not always good for students. In fact, experts agree that getting up too early can actually have negative effects on children.
(2) According to the Council for Sleep Control, school shouldn’t start any earlier than 8:30 a.m. Conversely, many schools in the United States begin at 7:30 a.m. or even earlier!
(3) Betsy Connors, sleep expert, believes that middle schoolers are in the most danger. She stated that the biological changes with this age group causes a later shift in their sleep cycle. Waking them up too early causes confusion, and deprives them of their deepest sleep. Studies also show that children from this age group have trouble concentrating on their morning classes. They have a tendency to daydream more often, and have difficulty retaining important facts and information.
(4) Starting school too early also has some parents concerned with safety. If school starts at 7:30 a.m., many students may be waiting at the bus stop as early as 6:30 a.m. For most of the country, 6:30 a.m. is a time of darkness. If children are prohibited from playing outside after dark, why would it be safe for them to wait for a bus in total darkness?
(5) While starting school early may seem more efficient, shouldn’t the health and safety concerns with this decision be taken more seriously? In addition, with the increased pressure on teachers to increase test scores, shouldn’t quality learning time be considered when making these decisions? Since students will be healthier and safer, and their standardized test scores would improve, school start time needs to be changed to 8:30 a.m. or later.

Source 2: Be Responsible
by Nancy Bruen

(6) Everyone knows the benefits of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Learning is the main reason why students go to school. But it is important to point out that schools today involve a lot more than academics. Becoming responsible adults is also a common goal for schools today. It is why schools spend so much time on the necessity of good behavior and good citizenship.
(7) Recently, there has been a call for schools to change their start time. So-called experts think that school shouldn’t start before 8:30 a.m. They are so concerned about children losing a little sleep, that they are forgetting about important lessons in responsibility.
(8) After graduation, these young adults will have to find jobs. Most jobs start before 8:30 a.m. If they learn how to get up early when they are in high school, then they will arrive at their adult jobs full of enthusiasm and vigor just a few years later.
(9) Arriving at work tired and sluggish would have a negative impact on their jobs. Their work would suffer, and they may be overlooked for advancement. Coddling middle and high school students will lead to lazy adults. Schools must reflect society, and prepare students for their inevitable futures.

Extended Writing Response
Writing Task
There is an ongoing discussion about school start time.

Think about BOTH sides of the discussion. Then write an opinion essay in your own words supporting either side of the discussion. Will a later start time benefit students?

Be sure to use information from BOTH passages in your opinion essay.

Writer’s Checklist:
• Introduce your opinion.
• Support your opinion with reasons and details from the passages.
• Give your reasons and details in a clear order.
• Develop your ideas clearly and use your own words, except when quoting directly from the passages.
• Identify the passages by title or number when using details or facts directly from the passages. • Use linking words, phrases, and clauses to connect reasons.
• Use clear language and vocabulary.
• Have a strong conclusion that supports your opinion.
• Check your work for correct usage, grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
Now write your opinion essay below. Refer to the Writer’s Checklist as you write and proofread your essay.


Answered by suryaveersingh2207




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