English, asked by TheMoonlìghtPhoenix, 2 days ago

Heya Everyone!
Today's question seeks for creative thinking and bright story ideas.
The story should be \sf{Fictional}
Imagine this Hypothetical situation:-

You are alone in the terrace of your house. Suddenly, you saw a star coming nearer and nearer to you.
You realize it wasn't a star, but a Fictional charector seeking your help. [You will create the next plot yourself] .
Okay, after completing the story, you need to answer this question :- ☆Which superpower you wish you'd choosen if you'd been given only one choice?
Use your knowledge wisely! Bonne Chance !​


Answered by Anonymous

"Hey human! In a desperate need of shelter, I am!"

- William Franklin

Tired of the way my day's been throughout, I decided to walk up the terrace to find some peace of mind. I was sitting near the periphery watching upright the sky wondering what tricks my life's paying on me. Suddenly, out of nowhere an object appeard in the sky among those twinkling little stars. No sooner I looked at it, it developed a tail like a shooting star. I said through my teeth "It's strange!", of all the shooting stars I've seen throughout my life this one was different. It had a way powerful dazzling shine like none other.

Seconds passed and I realised that the thing, that I thought was a shooting star, was actually a spaceship. I panicked and started looking for a place to hide. Luckily the window of my attic was open, without giving it a second thought I jumped straight into it. Not knowing how to react, I said to myself "This is not good. ALIENS ARE REAL!" Like my life wasn't unfair enough, to my fate the spaceship landed on my terrace. I thought to myself "Oh, come on, man! There are hundreds of other homes too, why only mine?"

The door opened and a streak of heavy white light came out. Seconds later, a silhouette of a creature became visible. The creature stepped out and when I saw it, I was like WHAT THE HELL! The creature didn't looked scary at all. It was a 3 feet short, green colored, three eyed creature. His head was as round as a ball and belly as wide as a full grown watermelon. His three eyes rested upon three antenna like structures, like humans he too had two arms and two legs. All in all, he appeared harmless.

By the time I could stop laughing at his weird appearance, he noticed me sitting in my attic. He walked closer and closer until he reached at the window's pane. His manner of speech was unusual and his words came out in a rhythmic croak. The creature said "Hello human! Come here to seek help, I have." Though the creature looked harmless, defensively I held a baseball bat in my hand. Looking at the bat, he said "Put your weapon down, you can. I mean you no harm." Praying to the Almighty that whatever he said is true, I put my bat aside.

In his unusual speech of manner he continued "Resident of the planet Starrus, I am. My planet is under a crisis of war. At your planet, have I come to seek shelter. Return to my planet, I will, as soon as the war is over. In peace I come, mm hmm. Provide me shelter, grateful to you I will always be." Listening to what the creature said and imagining what his planet is going through, I allowed him to stay at my place.

Days passed by and I was wondering when will he leave for his planet 'cause I haven't told anyone that I have an alien as a refugee. I asked him "Do you certainly have any idea how long is the war at your planet going to last?" The creature, in his unusual manner of speech, replied "Human! Don't worry. The war is over, mm hmm. Leave for my home, I will, tomorrow morning." An expression of relief went through my face after hearing what he said. The next day, to my amusement, the creature was gone. Maybe he was too excited to go back to his home that he didn't even wait for me. Feeling proud that I rescued an alien, in a graceful manner I said to myself "So yeah! Aliens do exist. But I won't tell anyone about this cos I know no one's gonna believe me. Maybe they'd think that I went mad and put me in a mental asylum, gross!"


If I'm given with only one choice, I'd choose to control the essence of time, hell yeah! The time hasn't been fair enough to me. There were times when I regretted the choices I made. So yeah, if I'm able to control the essence of time, I'd go fix up all the bad decisions that I took.

TheMoonlìghtPhoenix: Awesome! ☆
Answered by sukhdeepkhera0127

\huge \bf \underline{ \underline{Unfamiliarly}}

\huge \bf \underline{ \underline{Familiar}}

Living the same day again and again is what I get after slogging my daylight hours. Tired of the same dull boring routine, I went to the terrace to enjoy the peace that stars feel—away from the busy city lights. Looking up at the stars, one wonders if they ever get lonely. Now 15 years have passed.

I made the ultimate decision to sever my bond with this world permanently. I moved closer to the edge. With my heart beating fast, I lifted my feet. Unexpectedly, I saw a star coming right at me. A mysterious bright white flash of light was the last thing I saw of it. I moved back spontaneously and covered my face with my arms. Surprisingly, I heard a deep weakened male voice which I thought I've heard before. Before I could open my eyes, he vanished. He said just one word—"Help".

This eerie encounter left me with thousands of questions and a small key and a note. Some numbers were written on the note with such writing that I had seen earlier.

After doing some research, I discovered that it was an address. I took the key and the note and went to the address straight away. For me, it could be a chance to find something new.

A small wooden cottage in the middle of nowhere, was where the numbers led me. I stopped and stood, looking at the small house, with windows broken, and the walls crumbled. I took a deep breath. It looked like the sort of place where lots of people go in but don’t come out. I heard a creak. I jumped. Slowly the door swung open, I peeked in. The hallway was filled with dust and cobwebs. The walls were scratched and the furniture was broken.

Slowly stepping inside, I found that a strange smell filled the place—an earthy musty smell. I moved ahead, trying to find something. Something that would help that person who came for my help. Now, I don't know why this should have happened to me. I was just an ordinary guy named Norris, working in my monotonous job day after day until one day when I wished to step out of my lifeless life. Like everybody else.

I turned into a hallway which led me to a giant, black door. It was locked. I tried the key I had, but it didn't fit in. I couldn't give up now, I didn't came this far to be disappointed. I looked in almost every corner and at last, found a bunch of keys near the candelabra. I tried the keys one by one and the biggest of them fitted just right.

The giant door unlocked. Inside was a tiny room with nothing but a book with a lock. I turned the key—given by the mysterious person—and opened the book. The book had a few words written on its first page and the rest of it was empty. I chanted the incantation.

A mysterious big black hole emerged in the room. "Where does this lead?", I said to myself. I walked towards it. The strong air around the hole blew my hair. The sound was deafening like a thousands of helicopters were taking off. Slowly, I stepped inside. It was pitch-black.

With a click, I reached the quietest place on Earth. Inside it was pin drop silence. It was so silent that the background noise measured would actually be in negative. I was astounded to find myself in the bed of a small cosy room. A room where I could start living just now. A room where I felt like I've been before—even though I know I haven't. Feeling overwhelmed, I noticed some picture frames on the side table. I picked one of them. It was a picture of a family—a perfect family. The old voice that I heard that night brought my attention to the elderly man whose face was ashen like that of a corpse. But his big wide smile took my notice away from his fast-approaching death. He must've been the happiest person on earth.

Suddenly, I heard the TV switching on, playing videos of that perfect family. Seeing how happy everyone was made me feel good and sad at the same time. It was a compilation of the best moments they had together. I wished to be a part of them, sighed and looked out of the window. The place- that place was...!

All of a sudden, a queer darkness coming from a strange door started gulping every single thing. The darkness expanded like a fast growing tree. It's roots and branches covering the floor and the roof. Within seconds, it was pitch-black again.

I felt a little pain as if I was teleported to some other place. With a quick sudden movement, I opened my eyes. And... I was lying on the floor of my terrace. Where it all started.



I would choose Immortality(not dying even by an accident). I will be able to live forever. No need to earn money. I will be alive to see the future, to meet robots, to experience new scientific technology, new trends, new inventions.

I could live my life in every possible way. I could experience everything.

I would be present in every stage of history. I could jump off of building, run in front of train, become a crime fighter, or risk my life in any number of imaginable ways without worrying about the consequences to my health.

TheMoonlìghtPhoenix: Well written! :D
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