Computer Science, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Heya Friends, Would it be Sufficient to have a li'l knowledge of *Python and *Ruby <-- Languages to be able to hack down Brainly ???  Explain plz

 *Serious Answers plz* I'm gonna bring this site down...!


Answered by Bunti360
The answer is definitely NO, because,

Computer programming languages are created to build up programs or OS, In simpler word The programming languages main aim is to create something not to destroy,

And the main point you always have to remember is Hacking is meant for surfing into other computers LEGALLY, whereas Cracking is meant for surfing or taking down a site ILLEGALLY,

So if we come to your point, I think you were meant to ask crack, If it is crack then, I would tell you that learn Commands of Kali Linux, Which is the world's best penetrating Os,

Kali Linux helps you to "Hack"(Legal) into any system easily,, But some people use it for Cracking,

So, The first step to achieve your goal is to download Live Kali Linux , i.e Bootable,

And make it burn to a pendrive and run on any system, Then go on to the commands , you will have many options where you can Hack no. of things,

The final conclusion what I draw is, It won't be sufficient to have knowledge on Python or Ruby to hack down systems, You have to have Greater knowledge in Commands of Kali Linux, Which will help you to achieve this aim,

And if you really need to hack through programming languages , Then PhP is the best of all in my opinion cause it is used by many people to take down by creating virus,

So I hope you got your answer,

Hope you understand, Have a great day,

Thanking you, Bunti !
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