English, asked by Angel291, 1 year ago

Heya friends,

Write a diary entry on 'what make you happy and why ?'

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Answered by RishabhBansal

Thanks for asking such a wonderful question


Diary Entry ⤵️

Monday, 7th May'18
12:15 PM(right aligned)

Dear Diary

Today I smiled after ages. Yes a smile on the face of that poor boy made my day. Today I along with Himanshu went to Pizza Hut for having a treat. But unfortunately we could not completely finish the pizza so we packed the pizza. While returning home in the afternoon I saw a teenaged young boy wearing torn and worn out clothes selling balloons in the dangerous traffic of the city. I wondered how could they manage their daily meal. I insisted Himanshu my elder brother to give that pizza to that boy. To my suprise he agreed happily and we gave him the pizza. You would not believe, the smile which came on his face truly made my day.I truly cherished the moment.I felt very lucky that I was able to help someone. Helping someone gives the best feeling. That smile made me happy because bringing a smile on a face which hardly smiles is an amazing feeling in itself. The best part is that food was not wasted on any way.I wish all people of this universe live happily and are not affected by any financial and physical conditions. May God bless all and punish the evils who are responsible for the poor conditions of these children who are deprived of quality education.



Hope this helps ✌️

RishabhBansal: no problem
Angel291: can i give edit option ?
RishabhBansal: it's already there
Angel291: ok then plz edit
RishabhBansal: yes
Angel291: thanks
RishabhBansal: my pleasure
RishabhBansal: oh thanks Nishita
Answered by crystinia
Hey there!

Sheena here!

Here is your answer>>>


Date: 7/5/2018
Day : Monday
Time: 12:25 pm

Hello Diary! Can you guess what? Today was one of my happiest day in my life. Actually, today I feel I gave the perfect smile which I didn't give such smile ever before. I got a smile because of my mother who is the best of all! Everything started from my exams. It was once a time when I used to play games on my phone and never bothered about my exams. When Exam was a day before, that night I used to go through my notebooks,notes and also I used to get annoyed and disturb my mother to take my studies and make her cry inside her heart. Actually she wasn't wrong, in fact I was wrong but, Curtains used to cover my eyes always. Every time I promised her that I will stop playing games and will study so that I don't get burden at the last moment but, I am bad at keeping promises and I soon break them. I seriously feel bad but none used to believe me that whatever I say is the truth or not.That made me feel more bad. But, this time I really kept an aim to study day-to-day and have less tensions during exam. However many difficulties and problems approached but luckily I could face them and I answered my exams.Today, was the day of my results and guess what? I stood first in my class! After receiving my report card, I first gave a tight hug to my home and exclaimed "Mom, I cam first in my class! You are happy right?" My mom gave a perfect smile which couldn't be forgotten in my life. Her reply to it was " I hope you will keep up the same for the coming years." 

Her reply will be in my mind always and forever. This was the reason to which my face caught a perfect smile. See you again tomorrow Diary, bye!

- Sheena


Hope this helps the best!
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