Q3. "Bell The Fake News cat" - Misinformation going viral within hours is an urgent problem that needs attention
The Indian government's current view is that giant social platforms like Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp or the new
creeping Chinese giants like Alibaba and Tik Tok should be held accountable
Write your views on the topic in 200 words.
Misinformation can be a major problem for the government but the problem cannot be blamed only to the online applications because they also provide play crucial role regarding ours daily needs as well as for easy transformation of messages, documents, pictures files or any such kind.
Thus, platforms such as the whatsapp, facebook and twitter are an important source which cannot be just cropped out of the peoples lives. This will create hush over the government and the body taking it down.
Whereas the application such as alibaba is a huge boon to people who cannot afford to pay the whole price of the goods so this application allows them to pay less by buying second hand product they also sell 1st hand product even they have a huge stock which is absolutely massive and such items are available there which are even very rare thus there is no point is taking down such applications .
At last comes ticktok, this application is absolutely depends on the users and can be a great source of making things viral because it has no other functions.
People who wishes to act for the sake of views, use it as a great source of amazement and this can be an intimidating source of making anything go viral .
As, it is a public application and everyone can see the post once it gets viral without any bar.
In this era of social survival, we the social animals are made to believe anything and everything.
The social people of today’s world do not go for fact-checking or research, but rather they believe that something must be true just because it appeared on the internet.
The circulation of wrong information on platforms like Whatsapp, Twitter etc. must be stopped.