Social Sciences, asked by AkshithaZayn, 1 year ago


List out the causes of first world war and the second world war

And also the outcomes of both.

<> Pls, No spams at all.


AkshithaZayn: not at all. XD


Answered by SallyPendleton
The direct cause of WWI was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo on 28 June 1914. However historians feel that a number of factors contributed to the rivalry between the Great powers that allowed war on such a wide-scale to break out.

The cause of second world war:
After World War I there were many events that would take place to lead up to World War II, these events would be the reasoning that the second World War would even take place. Some long-term causes of World War II are found in the conditions preceding World War I and seen as common for both World Wars. Supporters of this view paraphrase Carl von Clausewitz: World War II was a continuation of World War I by the same means. In fact, World Wars had been expected before Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler came to power and Japan invaded China.[1]

Among the causes of World War II were Italian fascism in the 1920s, Japanese militarismand invasions of China in the 1930s, and especially the political takeover in 1933 of Germany by Hitler and his Nazi Party and its aggressive foreign policy. The immediate cause was Britain and France declaring war on Germany after it invaded Poland in September 1939.

Hope this helps.
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AkshithaZayn: outcomes?
Answered by CaptainBrainly

Here is your answer :


The causes of first world war are Aggressive Nationalism, Imperialism, Secret Alliances, Militarism and murder of Archuduke Franz Ferdinand.

● AGGRESSIVE NATIONALISM: The ideology of nationalism was positive impulse but the newly formed nations created a strong feeling on Nationaslism. Nazism in Germany and Facism in Italy created pride on their nations which led to the aggressive nationalism. This nation hatred the neighbouring nations. This was a cause.

● IMPERIALISM: The first developed countries had colonies and these countries used to collect raw materials from these colonies. When the Germany and Italy unified they asked for the redivision of colonies but the developed nations opposed it. This was also a reason.

● SECRET ALLIANCES : After the unification of Germany, it made a secret alliance with Austria and Italy. These three nations made a group called Triple Alliance. By seeing this France made a alliance with Russia and Britain this group is called as Triple Entente. These two groups made the European powers jealous and suspicious of one another. Instead of real peace they created an atmosphere of fear and armed peace.

● MILITARISM : European nations believes that military power is the best way to ensure security and good to solve problems by war. With this belief they competed in building more military power and arms. The three things of Militarism are building massive army, competiting in increasing arms and many industries emerged to supply weapons.

● IMMEDIATE CAUSE : Finally in 1914 A Serbian rebel killed the Archuduke of Austria. Austria asked for the reason but the Sebia cannot give the perfect reason. So Austria declared war on Serbia. Triple Entente came along Serbia and Triple Alliance joined Austria.

The major causes of second world war are Treaty of Versailles, Failure of league of Nations, Domination of Germany, Immediate Cause.

● TREATY OF VERSAILLES: Germany thought that treaty of Versailles is signed against it and it thought that it done injustice to Germany. Germany decided to undo the treaty of Versailles. So this was one of the Cause.

● FAILURE OF LEAGUE OF NATIONS: The treaty of Versailles set up the peace organization to prevent the further wars after the first world war. But the league of Nations could not prevent the war. The failure of league of Nations was also a cause.

● Domination of Germany : After the Germany's defeat it decided to undo the treaty. Hitler along with Nazi party started conquering the neighbouring nations made an atmosphere of fear and armed peace. This was also a cause.

● Immediate Cause: The immediate of second world war was the conquering of port of Danzing by Germany in Poland. Poland declare d war on Germany this led to the second world war between Allies and Axis.


● Enormous Human lost : The major outcome of world wars was the deaths and injuries of the people. About 20 - 25 million people were killed in the war. And many were homeless and became 100% disable.

● Democratic Principles Asserted: After the world wars many countries started democratic rule. Most of the undemocratic countries overthrown the monarchy and started democracy.

● Enfranchisement of women : After a long struggle women mostly all parts of the world got vote to right especially in European nations.

● New International Organisations: After the second world war developed countries drafted a charter to prevent the further wars and formed United Nation Organisations which is now successfully running. As, this not only works for peace but also work on human rights , health etc.

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