⭐Heya mates! ⭐
➡➡What is Lactoseintolerance?
⚡Lactose is also known as
⚡It refers to the to the intolerance from lactose containing product.
⚡It is infact intolerance to milk and milk products.
⚡It is characterized by loose motions after consuming milk.
⚡It is due to deficiency or absence of lactase enzyme.
hey mate here is your answer
lactose intolerance is usually cause by a defiency of enzyme in the body is called lactase
it is very common diseases it effected by in a belty digest sugar
it is very common diseases it effected many people more than 10 million it causes in india per year treatmrnt can help but this condition cant be cured
symptoms can be included abdomen crome bloating and diarrhoea it pain in abdomen
treatment focus on avoidence dairy product
selfcare=aviod lactose
medication=dietary supplement
specialist=gastroentrologist and primary care provider