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↪ write the machanism of antimarkovnikov's rule↩
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»»» Mechanism of Antimarkovnikov's Rule
anti markovnikov's rule means the hydrogen will be add to the carbon atom which has less number of hydrogen atom. example is in the figure the hydrogen is added to the 2 nd carbon atom because it has less number of hydrogen atom and therefore Br is added to leftmost carbon.
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whre is machanism
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Some reactions do not follow Markovnikov's Rule, and anti-Markovnikov products are isolated. This is a feature for example of radical induced additions of HX and of Hydroboration.
The proton adds first to the carbon-carbon double bond. The carbon bearing more substituents forms a more stable carbenium ion; attack of bromide ion follows in a second step:
M arkovnikov
Radical reactions require an initiation step. In this example, a bromo radical is formed.
The reversal of the regiochemistry of addition is the result of the reversal of the order in which the two components add to the alkene. Radical addition leads to the formation of the more stable radical, which reacts with HBr to give product and a new bromo radical:
i hope it helped u
The proton adds first to the carbon-carbon double bond. The carbon bearing more substituents forms a more stable carbenium ion; attack of bromide ion follows in a second step:
M arkovnikov
Radical reactions require an initiation step. In this example, a bromo radical is formed.
The reversal of the regiochemistry of addition is the result of the reversal of the order in which the two components add to the alkene. Radical addition leads to the formation of the more stable radical, which reacts with HBr to give product and a new bromo radical:
i hope it helped u
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