English, asked by StarGazer001, 1 year ago

Heya ..!

Write an article on " The Students " describing the duties of a student and words to be remembered in order to live a beautiful and progressive life.

It should describe each letter of the word " STUDENT " by making suggestive words from each letter.

Thanks in advance ..!​


Answered by Swarup1998

                   " The Students "

  As a student, some duties are to be performed and some words are to be remembered.

Study :

  Read your lessons carefully and attentively. When you finish reading a chapter, it boosts your mind towards gaining more knowledge.

  “ Knowledge gives pleasure in understanding the importance of life. ”

  Besides reading books, observe Nature closely and to enjoy Nature's serene beauty. Nature holds all the laws of human life. It calms down arrogance of the mind.

  “ When you sit under a tree, not only you get it's sweet fruits but also you get a colder shadow in summer days. ”

Truthfulness :

  As a student, it is important to be truthful to oneself first and to one's own actions.

  “ A character becomes beautiful by true actions. ”

  The energy to work comes from within. If you can devote yourself to be truthful to others as much as you are to yourself, people will love you not only because you say truths but also because you are brave to speak them.

  “ Braves never fear the Truth. ”

Unity :

  We, humans are possessed by the mind and the body. In achieving greater goals in life, it is important to unite the mind and the body. Unity gives energy when one needs to perform harder deeds than one's own capability.

  “ When the mind is weak, the body pulls the mind forwards and when the body is weaker, the mind leads the way. ”

  In this buzzing world of hesitations, actions lead to mistakes often and those mistakes become crimes. Yes, it is a crime to pollute the Nature and to distort the human society. But we, students should refer more to correct those mistakes and to make a better world for us and for the future generations. For this, we, students need unity in versatility.

  “ The word ' I ' can cut a tree but the word ' we ' can plant more saplings. ”

Discipline and Determination :

  The best way for a student to gain success is to be disciplined. Discipline isn't a rule; it is a task to perform every second of the day. In maintaining everyday's works completely, a student needs to be responsible. Be disciplined to maintain Time - wasting time will prevent one from making some sweet memories. It is the contents of a character to respect the teachers, obey the elders and to respond fearlessly towards inhumanity. This responsibility is discipline.

  “ Without counting four cats in the bucket, you cannot tell how many cats in the town. ”

  To prosper in life, A student needs a stronger determination - the aim of life and the vision of the works to be done. It helps to find better path and the strength within invokes one to keep walking even if she has no legs!

 “ Determine the goal and the goal is yours by all means. ”

Engagement :

  It is important to engage oneself into some other tasks besides studies, like wandering aimlessly or having cheerful passtimes, like sports, singing, dancing, drawing, gardening, soft toys making, etc. Meditations will help to have mental peace and to generate patience within.

 “ Feed the mind with beauty, nothing will be uglier. ”

  With all these, learn to stay engaged socially with people around as it is a student's duty to take care of the well - wishers and to help the desperates.

  “ Engaging oneself socially is the best possible way to work out social problems. ”

Newness :

  We know that our brain is capable of learning new things and absorb those ideas simultaneously. So it is the best to spend time learning new things and engaging the mind to solve difficult puzzles, we come across. In this way, laziness will be gone from the mind and from the body.

  “ Know a something today new and get some best view. ”

  Wake up in the morning after each day's failed attempts and start fresh from the beginning. Remember the old you with more generosity and defeat the exaggeration of thoughts in the heart. Feel new and start as an apprentice, only keeping the goal in the front seat of your visions.

  “ Better be the morning air that blows from the South. ”

Tolerance :

  As a student, one faces social problems, economical difficulties and harder situations. By overcoming them only in the mind, learning is possible. Pains, sufferings and strugglings are to be tolerated both physically and mentally.

  “ Without tolerating the scorching rays of the sun, the banyan tree couldn't become The banyan tree. ”

  When you fail in an exam, you may go in depression as one year lapsed from your life. Reasons are many behind success's enjoyment but one reason is there behind failure's redemption - acceptance. It is important to accept what just happened with you. This acceptance is tolerance. People will say many things but remember that the unfinished work of yours has to be completed by you only, not by them.

  “ A nail inside the flesh of your foot and still you have a race to win. ”

  Be educated in man-making education, learn to possess a beautiful character and be kind in the heart with pleasing smile in the face.


Anonymous: tussi chha gaye @swarup bhaiya:)
trimannjeet: perfect
vikram991: great sir
Haezel: Awesome
AdorableAstronaut: Great sir ⭐
trimannjeet: great
Anonymous: Awesome Bhai
Anonymous: Awesome
Answered by Anonymous


A citizen is a person who lives in a particular country for a long time. He may be born in the country or not but, by virtue of his long stay in the country he earns the right to the citizenship of the country and starts being so called.

The basic difference in the acquired citizenship after stay and that of being a citizen by birth is that, when a person acquires it, it is to be by an application for the same. When a person is born in a place, he is automatically a citizen of it, and does not have to apply for it.

Now, as we all know that man, no matter where he stays, in the family, in the society, in the office or in the country, he has some obligations towards them. These obligations of an individual are called duties.

Thus, in all his activities, man has some duties, and so as a citizen also man has some obligations to the country of his citizenship. In this Essay we will discuss the duties of a man as a citizen of a country.

When a person belongs to a particular country whether the country of his birth or the country that he has adopted due to a long stay, it is to be remembered that, the country has nurtured him.

He has grown there, avails of all facilities and advantages that accrue to the people of the country and has been granted all kinds of rights of the citizens of that country.

This is given to an individual because it is all necessary for the healthy growth of the individual. If he was not to be given that, he may not have been able to grow to his full bloom. This much is fine, but, this is only one side of the coin of citizenship.

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