History, asked by Deepikas, 1 year ago

hi Brainly Stars, Moderators, Sages, Best users, Geniuses plzz plzz plzz help me out tommorow is my exam

NCERT Book - 7th class
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th chapters!

Answer needed simplest and shortest

How did the Rashtrakutas become powerful ?

what did the new dynasty is do to gain acceptance ?

What were the activities associated with Chola temples ?

What were the steps taken to ensure that muqtis perform their duties ? Why do you think they may have wanted to defeat the orders of the Sultans ?

What was the impact of the Mongol invasions on the Delhi Sultanate ?

What was the relationship between the mansabdar and the Jagir ?

What was the role of a Zamindar in Mughal administration ?

How was the debates with religion Scholars important in the formation of Akbar's Idea on governance ?

Why did the Mughals emphasis their Timurid and not there Mongol descent ?

What is pietra-dura ?

How is the trabeate principle of architecture different from the arcuate ?

What are the elements of a Mughal Chahar Bagh Garden ?

How did a temple communicate the importance of a king ?

An inscription in Shah Jahan Diwan I Khas in Delhi stated if there is Paradise on Earth it is here it is here it is here how was this image created ?

How did the Mughal court suggest that everyone the rich and the poor the powerful and the week receive justice equally from the emperor ?

What role did the Yamuna play in the layout of the new Mughal city at Shahjahanabad ?

Why do you think towns grew around temples ?

How important were craftpersons for the building and maintenance of temples ?


Answered by HimanshuBrain01
1. Rashtrakutas were initially subordinate to the Chalukyas of Karnataka. In the mid eighteenth century, Dantidurga, a Rashtrakuta chief, overthrew his Chalukya overlord and established his right to rule by performming the hiranya-garbha ritual.
2. To gain acceptance, the new dynasties took on new titles, performed religious rituals which would make them part of the kshatriyas and engaged in warfare to assert their power and carve kingdoms for themselves.
3. A Chola temple was not only a place of worship but also the hub of economic, social and cultural life. Thus apart from the priests we find a number of people, who engaged in various activities, were associated with a Chola temple. They were – garland makers, cooks, sweepers, musicians, dancers, crafts people etc.
4. The steps taken are given below:

Accountants were appointed by the state to check the amount of revenue collected by the care was taken that the muqti collected only the taxes prescribed by the state and not more than that.It was also taken care that he kept only the required number of soldiers.

The muqtis may have wanted to defy the orders to the Sultans because their appointment was not hereditary. Also, their job was transferable. What is more, the conditions of service were severely imposed on them which they did not like.

5. The Delhi Sultanate mobilised a large standing army in Delhi. It posed a big administrative challenge.

Alauddin Khalji constructed a new garrison town at Siri for his soldiers. He imposed taxes on land to feed the army at the rate of 50 percent of peasant’s yield. He began to pay the soldiers in cash. Muhammad Tughluq shifted people of Delhi to Daulatabad in south and thus converted Delhi into a garrison town. He also disbanded the army. He also paid the soldiers in cash.
6. A jagir was are venue assignment for the mansabdars. The mansabdars had the right to collect revenue from a jagir but they could not reside in or administer the jagir.
7. The Zamindars in the Mughal administration collected revenue from the peasants. They acted as intermediaries between the rulers and the peasants.
8. Debates with religious scholars helped Akbar in framing the idea of sulh-i kul of ‘universal peace’. By using such a policy of tolerance Akbar was able to formulate governanceguidelineswhich were based on a system of ethics.
9. The Mughals emphasized their Timurid and not their Mongol desecent because Ghengiz Khan’s memory was associated with the massacre of innumerable people. They prided themselves on the fact that Timur had captured Delhi in 1398.

don't ask this much questions you can do on you own
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