Computer Science, asked by mfmughal2006, 1 year ago

can i have a short speech on cyber safety?
i need it urgently and in easy words


Answered by Deeksha2007
The internet is easy, convenient and fun. But all that easy convenience can be risky, and some of the risks can have serious, lasting outcomes.

Personal photos can end up being public jokes, arguments can turn into fully blown, fully documented flame wars and private details can be used against you - illegally or even legally.

These kind of things can happen to anybody, which is why it’s important to do your best to stay safe online.

Protect Yourself

You know the drill - an apple a day keeps the doctor away, a stitch in time saves nine, prevention is better than a cure. These tips will help keep you out of trouble online.

Protect Your Private Information

Only give your mobile phone number and email address to people you can trust. Think about the information you have in your online profiles - if it includes your home address, your mobile number and a photo of you, it makes you very easy to find.

And when it comes to things like bank details or credit card numbers, you should make double-sure that you don't give that information out without thinking about the possible negative consequences first.

Keep Your Passwords To Yourself

Never share your password - ever. Make sure your password is at least eight characters long, a mix of letters and numbers and not the name of your favourite band, pet or football team.


Think twice before sending or posting a photo. A private joke can become a public embarrassment in one click. Once it's out there you can't take it back and it can travel a long way very quickly.

Chatting To Strangers

It’s not necessarily bad to chat to strangers online, but be aware they might not be who they say they are. Don't share private information and if you are planning to meet them, take a friend, choose somewhere busy and, if possible, meet during the day.

Moderate Comments

If you've got a blog, make sure you moderate comments. You might consider publishing a blog comment policy, so people know what's okay to discuss and why you have deleted their comments.


If an online argument is turning into a flame war, let it go. Step away, take a few deep breaths and remember what you are posting is probably not something you'll be proud of tomorrow.

Is It Time To Act?

No matter how prepared you are, sometimes, bad things happen to careful people. If any of these things have happened, it might be time to take a stand:

Having a friend pass on a private online conversation to someone else without your permission

Being harassed via messages, Facebook, Twitter, email or in-game chat

Being tricked into giving out a secret online

Having an embarrassing picture of you posted or sent around online

Being signed up to receive unwanted e-mails, like pornography, by someone else

Having someone break into your account or steal your password

Finding out that the person you're e-mailing, texting or messaging isn't the person you thought they were

Having someone pretend to be you online

Being entered in an online poll or contest without your knowledge

Having someone post nasty comments on your guestbook, blog, or on a discussion board

What To Do

If you find yourself on the wrong end of some suspect, nasty, or even illegal, online activity, there are steps you can take to start sorting out your digital issues.
Hope it helps...

mfmughal2006: thank you very much
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