hi friends give correct answer see attchment

answer :-
what is this language I can't understand this words sorry.
because I also see and can I be your friend?
In a field one summer day, a grasshopper was dancing and singing when he saw an ant. He
asked the ant ,” What are you doing?”
The ant replied that she and her family were gathering food for the winter.
The grasshopper laughed and said that they have got plenty of food for now.They should not
worry about tomorrow.
But the ant continued to gather food.
When winter came the grasshopper said to himself that the ant was right. There was no food to eat.
He saw the ants eating their stored food and muttered saying,” I too should have worked hard and
stored some food .”
He saw the ants eating their stored food and muttered saying , “ I too should have worked hard and
stored some food.