CBSE BOARD X, asked by PrinceVegeta, 1 year ago

hi friends
Please explain me the difference between Resistance and Resistivity
( I need explanation not the points only)


Answered by Anonymous

this is khushi.....

according to your question...u need a proper difference to understand resistance and resistivity...

◆ resistance is the ability or capacity to avoid or not to be affected by something..
in electricity it is the ability to bary current

◆ resistivity means the measure of ability of resistance..

hope this helps!!!!

PrinceVegeta: it really helped
Anonymous: mark as brainliest if it helped u
Anonymous: thnxx
PrinceVegeta: there is only one answer
Anonymous: hmm
PrinceVegeta: tht is urs
Anonymous: ok mark whenever u can
PrinceVegeta: ok
Anonymous: thnx
Answered by Anonymous

resistance is the power of barring current..

resistivity measure resistance ..

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