English, asked by kavesna1611, 6 months ago

Hi guys. Pls help me to write an essay about challenges in my life to be an elder sister. Hope you guys will help me. Pls don't send the unnecessary.


Answered by sumit2313


Challenges in life? everyone has challenges in life whether its in school or in their homes but they all go through a challenge one point in their lifes.In school people have challanges like bullying or stress of not doing their work on time and stereotypes. In my case my challenges are that i talk and play alot when im not supposed to.Also people have challenges at home like there parents could be getting a devorce or they cold be in poberty or maybe they have a widow mom that is raiceing alot of childrens. whatever it is weve all gone through it and we get sad or mad and try to give up but you now what its okay if you fail as long if you get bach up. Everyone has challenges in life

Everyone has challenges in life even the best go through some obstacles. for example Leonel

Messi said: “When I was 11 years old they discovered that I had a growth hormone deficiency and I had to start a treatment to help me to grow. Every night I had to stick a needle into my legs, night after night after night, every day of the week, and this over a period of three years.”

So even thet soccer players or the most famouse person has faced challenges in their lifes.So if they can overcome it I can too.

Overcoming challenges

How can I overcome my challenges ? Well with a little of practice of trying of getting better I think I can overcome and succed in life. I think that you dont have to be perfect you just have to be your self and be proud of what you are and do.I now I make alot of mistakes but you should not always pay attention only to the bad stuff. Everyone has something special and everybody is good at atleast at something just give them time to fix what there doing and they



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