English, asked by nisha2425, 6 months ago

hi guys

write an essay about how social media has changed our lives ​


Answered by Anonymous

Answer:Social Media: Changing Our Society Electricity was first introduced to society hundreds of years ago; the way people communicate began to change in many different ways since then. New inventions helped people build more sophisticate tools to build better places to live and work. This new inventions changed the way we live now days; they make our lives much easier. In the decade of the 1920's when radio was first introduced to public, people begin buying it and using it more and more, as years passed by it become incredibly popular that most American families had a radio at their houses. They could spend hours with their families listening to music or their favorite shows. This was just the beginning of the revolution of social media.…show more content…Social networking has become a major part of society. Many people wake up each day and check social media websites specifically throughout Twitter and Facebook first thing in the morning instead of reaching for a newspaper. Since people are spending such a large amount of time surfing social networks, it is important to point out some of the positive and negative effects that social networking can have on a society. The positive effects of social networking sites are allow people to create new relationships and reconnect with friends and family. Increased communication, even online, strengthens relationships. And the other is social networking sites make people share everything that they want and bring people with common interests together, offer exposure to new ideas from around the world, and lower inhibitions to overcome social anxiety. Social media has changed the way people think and how they communicate. It’s incredible to see how social media has become such a big part of our daily lives. Just to think social media as we know it was birthed less than ten years ago in August 2003 with MySpace and has become such an integral part of our daily lives. Synonymous with checking our email we go to our Facebook for not only our daily gossip, but for up to date news and events.

hope it is helpful to you

hope you are well

God keep u happy always

Answered by itzcutiepie4

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In the era of everything instant, the perception of living life has dramatically changed. From the perspective that life is to too hard to live, it has now become an adage that life is easy and living it is should be much easier. Thanks to the comfort of modern technology and globalization, people are becoming more interconnected and interdependent.

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One of the great features of the unprecedented rise of the global cultures is attributed to the revolution of the Internet and social media. Almost everything has become so easy and so instant. Currently, the worlds by which define our reality have been changed by social media. We can do anything and everything through a globally wired network that enables instant communication. Socialnomics is “the value created and shared via social media and its efficient influence on outcomes” (Qualman 2010, p. xxi). Moreover, socialnomics is a revolution driven by people and enabled by the social media.

A case in point is the most popular social networking site called Facebook. According to a blog in Birds Eye Media (2010), Facebook recently celebrated its six-year online presence. Its growing presence has enabled people to communicate more freely and have access to news and important updates. Information exchange occurs within and among the people we interact with in this new media platform. It provides the opportunity to reconnect with friends and loved ones. Social media works like a digital word-of-mouth where information dissemination is just a click away. In this age of globalization, social media networking has significantly altered the way we view realities and handle our relationships with other people.

The Impact of Social Media

Social media affects the way we write and speak the written word (Sherman 2010). Sherman noted that writing is more concise because the presence of a limited character spaces in Facebook and Twitter. People are challenged to convey their message to friends and the world within a 140 character limit. The task of writing something in a shorter and concise manner in Facebook as well as in SMS has changed how we communicate using different spellings and abbreviations (Sherman 2010).

please mark as brainliest....

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