English, asked by ssharma49098, 8 months ago

hi gys can u plz tell me about the english topic indian poetics by rajshekhra...origin of kavyaa​


Answered by Anonymous

[I could not arrange the topics in a sequential order (krama). You may take these as random collection of discussions; and, read it for whatever it is worth. Thank you.]

Agnipurana –kavyadilakshanam– classifies Vanmaya (everything that is expressed in words, i.e. literature) in several ways: Dhvani, Varna, Pada and Vakya (Ag. pu. 336.1); and into Shastra, Itihasa and Kavya (Ag.pu.3336.2)

And later, Vanmaya was again classified into Shastra (Veda, Purana and even Epics) and Kavya. And, it was said ; in the Shastra the words (śabda) are important; in the Itihasa (historical narration) the facts (niṣṭhatā) are important; whereas in the Kavya the ability to express the meaning (abhidhā) is more important

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