English, asked by 2022pierrerymyon, 2 months ago

Hi! I need help to complete this letter from Literature:

Zombie Persuasive Letter
As you prepare your argument, consider and include the following:
1. Your name and your given traits.
2. Nothing outside the realm of normal for your character’s given traits(but you can provide background and personality—just keep it reasonable).
3. What are your strengths? What can you offer the new society?
4. What are your weaknesses? How will you overcome those deficits?
5.What makes a good “survivor”?
6. Four rhetorical appeals (label and explain each).
It would be appreciated, Thanks.


Answered by yuv28386

Answer:Zombie Persuasive LetterAs you prepare your argument, consider and include the following:1.Your name and your given traits.2.Nothing outside the realm of normal for your character’s given traits(but you can provide background and personality—just keep itreasonable).3.What are your strengths? What can you offer the new society?4.What are your weaknesses? How will you overcome those deficits?5.What makes a good “survivor”?6.Four rhetorical appeals (label and explain each).Answer:To Whom It May Concern.Hello, my name is Ethan Fernandez, and I am a 35-year-old Male.Before the stuff hit the fan, I was an insurance agent, working hard at mycompany day in and day out, in which on my free days I could be foundeither at home or out doing one of my favorite things in life, hunting. Fromwhen I was a little kid, ever since I would start to hold on to memories, Iremember my father taking me out into the dense woods in our backyard


Answered by tilatamahikaka01


I would start to hold on। to memories, I remember my father taking me out into the dense wood in our backyard

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