Sociology, asked by kavya139, 1 year ago

Is ghost really exists!!!!!!!....
Need detailed ans ....!!


Answered by ShanAgrawal
This is not a made up story: I am sure many others will have such experiences.

I will quote a real life incident here. A lady from Marathi Speaking area(who couldnot speak Kannada) got married to a Kannada boy (whose family could speak Marathi Language), was returning home on scooter in the evening in a small town in South India. She felt some pain in her leg at a particular spot on the main road. She went home. Slept that night and woke up the next morning. She was no longer herself. She started behaving like a 12 year old girl and spoke in Kannada Language which the lady did not know. When she was questioned who she was, she replied that she was a small girl killed in an accident at a particular spot, died in a nearby hospital and was eversince residing at a nearby tree. She liked the lady's dress and possessed her. Later on, certain ritualistic process was conducted and the soul of the girl was liberated by certain saints.

Though there are 108 types of Ghostly (paishacha) beings, we will restrict our discussion to mean those dead people who after death are caught between earth and hell or heaven and wander aimlessly on earth till their due term of life ends on earth.

Once a person dies prematurely before completing the full term assigned to him by the creator, (by committing suicide or by accident, murder, etc., on account of their past sins), they turn into Ghosts.

They have a very small size. i.e. the size of our thumb, but to some onlookers they may create the appearance of a huge devil.

Most of the Ghosts cannot physically touch any object and move it as they show in horror movies (acts of closing and opening doors and windows, and hitting and hurting people, etc..). They are extremely hungry and thirsty. But they cannot eat or drink anything as they do not have a mouth. So, they have to enter the bodies of specific persons (whose stars match in certain way) and through them eat or drink too much in an amazing way! They can harm others only through the possessed person. They can be driven away by certain spiritual forces only. They reside in forests, trees, or open grounds and keep moving very fast to overcome the agony of their hunger or thirst.

There are people who chant verses and control the ghost and use them for their evil deeds to harm other people. They do not trouble people as shown in the Horrow shows on TV or in Movies. Therefore, certain rules need to be followed to keep away such evil forces.

All people following their own religions have some way to protect themselves. There is no need to panic about ghosts and start screaming "false, false" unless one has personally examined the matter thoroughly.

Some people who are born on some star signs or those whose third eye is opened, can actually see the ghosts. They are not scared of them.

kavya139: tysm
ShanAgrawal: wlcm dear....
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