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Merchant Of Venice
What does Prince of Arragon say about the Golden Casket? Why he refuses to choose it?
Arragon rejects lead because of the ominous warning, and thinks that gold refers to the foolish populace. Instead he chooses silver which indicates he will receive what he deserves. Arragon is arrogant and proud. This is shown through his reaction to choosing the wrong casket
Prince of Arragon (I shall refer to him as Arragon only in this discussion) rejects the lead casket immediately because he thinks that it is not beautiful enough to give and risk all his possessions for. “You shall look fairer, ere I give or hazard.” He also rejects the gold casket because “what many men desire — that ‘many’ may be meant by the fool multitude that choose by show.” He says he will not choose what many men desire, because he will not jump with common spirits.
Arragon thus chooses the silver casket, which bears the inscription: “who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves.” He is very confident when he makes his choice and says, “I will assume desert,” meaning that he will take what he deserves. He feels that he rightfully deserves Portia. But what he finds in the casket, is a horrible portrait of a sub-normal person.