History, asked by lsundaramoorthy, 1 year ago

hi please answer my question now please answer my question now​



Answered by pujajena1912


The main feature of public-interest groups are-

They cannot collect dues, so membership is free.

They have special access to elected officials.

They benefit most people, even those not in the group.

They are supported by everyone, regardless of political party.

The main characteristics of an interest group consist of its organisation, membership, leadership, office, election system, constitution and finance. The ideology of an interest group provides the basis for its functions and activities.

FEDECOR - is an organisation of human right activists, labour, community people.. It was an organization formed in Bolivia which wanted the government to end the privatization of water resources in the country. This organization consisted of the environmentalists, academicians, engineers etc.

Examples of interest groups that lobby or campaign for favourable public policy changes include:

ACLU - American Civil Liberties Union - visit their section on issues before Congress that the ACLU is following and lobbying on.

Animal Legal Defense Fund

AntiDefamation League fights anti-Semitism

Atlas Economic Research Foundation

California Campaign Finance Reform - a group trying to limit the influence of political campaign donors

Common Cause - Citizens working to end special-interest politics and reform government ethics

Commonwealth Fund - a group with a range of programs aimed at advancing better medical care in the U.S.

Friends of the Earth


Health Policy Leadership Institute aims to train U.S. doctors & medical students in political action and advocacy.

National Rifle Association - visit the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action for an example of a highly organized lobbying effort.

Political Action Committees (PACs) - a list from Yahoo! of a type of organization in the U.S. directly aimed at promoting specific interests by supporting or opposing candidates in elections

Traditional Values Coalition

Women's Electoral Lobby (WEL) Australia

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