hi what is fulform of maths
‘A’ stands for ‘ACCURACY’
‘T’ stands for ‘TALENT’
‘H’ stands for ‘HARDWORK’
‘E’ stands for ‘ENTHUSIASM’
‘M’ stands for ‘MIND’
‘A’ stands for ‘ATTENTION’
‘T’ stands for ‘TACT’
‘I’ stands for ‘INTEREST’
‘C’ stands for ‘CLEVERNESS’
‘S’ stands for ‘SINCERITY
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Step-by-step explanation:
What is the full form of mathematics?
I try to clearly answer this question as follows:
Ensembles (sets) theory: In mathematics (as in economics), a set is a collection of objects that share at least one property, and may have relationships with each other. Set theory is the foundation of modern mathematics. It classifies and identifies the properties of mathematical objects, According to the relationships that develop between them, According to General and codified language allows unification of mathematics.
Numbers, arithmetic and algebra: Numbers in mathematics, introduce the study of sets of numbers. After the set of natural numbers N, i.e. the set of integers {0, 1, 2, 3, ...}; built mathematics other sets: on the set Z of integers (positive and negative integers) and the set of rational Q, or all fractions.
All Z solves the equations of the form x = a + b (where x is unknown, which were not soluble with N numbers). All Q solves the equations of the form ax = b.
The set R of real numbers (rational and irrational) solves the equations of the form x ² = 2 and the set C of complex numbers solves the equations of the form x ² = -2 insoluble asking i² R = -1.
Arithmetic is the science of integers and rational. So she studies the properties of sets N, Z and Q.
Algebra is a generalization of arithmetic for real and complex numbers. It is also based on set theory, modern algebra.
Analysis: Analysis is the branch of mathematics dealing with the calculus and its applications. As the name suggests, deals with infinitesimal calculus infinitesimal. It leads to differential calculus and calculus which are essential tools for the study of functions.
Geometry: The geometry is designed to study the properties of the space. It studies the relationships between points, lines, curves, surfaces and volumes.
Trigonometry: Trigonometry studies the properties of circular functions of angles and arcs. It is used to calculate by triangulation measurements of a triangle sides or angles from some of them. Its purpose is to evaluate the sides of a triangle (or more generally of a polygon). At each corner is associated a quantity called trigonometric ratio. These are the sine (sin), cosine (cos), tangent (tan) and cotangent (cotan).
Probability and statistics: Probability is the branch of mathematics born games of chance. The probability of an event occurring is defined as the ratio of the number of cases favorable to the event on the total number of possible cases.
ProbabilityP = n / N = ½ = 0.5.
Statistics are all mathematical methods that, from the collection and analysis of real data, allow for the development of probabilistic models of predictability.
Note all these branches of mathematics are generally-used in economic theory. These flow fields of all of the mathematical structure, and are not independent of each other branches. The mathematical form a real building, yet repeatedly challenged during its history, which has built itself from its basic assumptions.