high prices of essential commodities editorial letter
The editor
The Telegraph
Kolkata 700001
Sub: High price rise of essential commodities.
Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to ventilate my concern (or grievance) about the dangers of high price rise of essential commodities.
Only rulers do change, but the misery of poor and middle class people remains the same. In every 5 years, a new ruler comes but the hardships of the middle class people persists. what a misery!
The price of all essential goods has risen up very high causing distress of the common people. The price of rice, oil, dal, spices, onions, vegetables is now beyond the reach of the middle class families, and not to speak of the lower paid people or the day labourers. The poor are the worst affected. Even the dress materials most much high.
Day by day, the price of essential commodities medicines and dress materials is increasing by leaps and bounds. For the middle class salaried people, the annual income is too lame to keep pace with the abnormal price hike or soaring. The wage earners and pension holders find it really difficult to make both ends meet. Even the price of medicines has gone beyond the reach of the poor and middle class people. IIn such situation, some dishonest traders are trying to catch fish in the troubled water. If the situation persists, how will the poor people survive?
I think the government should immediately do whatever necessary, and take proper steps to blacklist the black marketeers and adopt the price control measures. Unless any drastic measure is taken, law and order will be at stake.
Yours truly,