English, asked by triloksai1998, 1 year ago

Higher secondary students will now be able to undertake physics experiments in digital form. A free and open source software and a hardware will be made available that ____ be connected to laptops. It will also facilitate detailed analysis of data obtained from experiments done in labs. Equipment such as oscilloscope ____not be available in schools. Not only does the hardware fill the gap, it also enables over 150 physics experiments


Answered by vanshraheja


I hope it helps you

please mark my answer as the brainliest answer

Answered by presentmoment


a. Can

b. May


Can is a verb which is used to show that it is possible for something or someone to might happen. Can is also used to ask to give permission.

For example:  

Can I ride a bike?

Can I have a drink?

May is also a verb which shows the high level of uncertainty in something that might not happen, to something that might happen.

For example:

There may be a holiday on Wednesday.

We may have to submit our records on Thursday.

  • While 'can' is used in interrogative form, 'may' is used in a sentence simply.
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