Highlight the background of social welfare in india?
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I am impress to see a lots of Government Policies,Schemes etc. for upliftment of rural people,but to my dismay i am pain by the performance of the implementing agencies and Govt.Dept. they are availing grants and funds for implimentation but in return they sent paper works to the Central government and exhaust the development fund which is sanctioned for the poor.I am rural educated youth managing a Handloom weaving and Youth motivation center in Nagaland state,i am deeply discouraged by the way the Government departments allocates and dispurse funds for variouse development work.I managed an enterprise or a working centre which is a reality but to my utter surprise huge amount of moneys are pump to non existing and ghost work place, i see no good reason where our State /country will prosper.If any investigating agencies or Government agencies of Rural Development wants to acquire or authenticate the system,they can visit a work place like mine and there are also many good enterprises running and managing without Government assitance,who have completely loss confidence on Government funding and schemes. My center is Kenlowa Handloom Weaving and Youth motivation Center,Kandi Station village,64 km away from Nagaland state capital 3 hours journey. Kenneth
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The background of social welfare:
- Government policies and projects through the success of implementation agencies and the Government Department for the upliftment of rural people.
- Grants are eligible for implementation, but they give papers to the central government in exchange and drain the development fund that is approved for the needy.
- Rural Development government agencies want to develop or authenticate the process, they should visit a workplace like mine, and there are also many good businesses working and operating without government support, who completely lose trust in government funds and schemes.
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