Highlight the causes that lead the decrease in area under oil-seed after the Green Revolution and what steps have been taken by the government to increase the cultivation of oil-seeds.
"Green revolution led to the reduced genetic diversity. Earlier, farmers used the rotation of crops like maize, paddy, oil-seeds, pulses, and millets. But, green revolution replaced this with monocultures of wheat and paddy. Thus, it reduces the area for oil-seed cultivation.
Now-a-days, our Government focuses to increase the traditional oil-seeds and expands the area under oil palm cultivation. Nearly 27 million hectares of our country are under oil-seeds cultivation.
Some of the strategies used by our Government to increase the area under oil-fields includes usage of fallow lands after the cultivation of paddy; expanding the oil-seeds trees in the water sheds and waste lands; and increasing the quality of oil seeds production and collection."