Social Sciences, asked by Angelvanlind4a, 1 year ago

highlight three features of the india constitution.


Answered by Anil111111

The Preamble, the preface to the constitution, describes the source nature, ideology, goals and objectives of the constitution. It describes India as a sovereign socialist, secular, democratic republic and underlines the national objective of social, economic and political justice as well as fraternity. It emphasises the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation. It declares that in India the people are sovereign.

2.Written Constitution:

There are two types of constitutions in the world. Most of the constitutions are written. The first modern written constitution was the American constitution. On the other hand, the British constitution is unwritten. It consists of customs and conventions which have grown over the years. In India, we have a written constitution. The framers of our constitution tried to put everything in black and white.

3.Longest Constitution:

The Constitution of India is the longest one in the world. Originally it had 395 Articles and 8 schedules.During the period since 1950 a few Articles have been deleted, but many more have been added through amendments.

Today the constitution has 395 Articles and 12 schedules.However there is a view that the constitution today has 444 Articles.Originally the constitution had 22 parts. Now it has 24 parts.

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