Sociology, asked by prachi7742, 1 year ago

❣️Hii friends❣️

Good morning✌️✌️

⭐️⭐️Why japan is developed country???⭐️⭐️


Answered by raps74
because of their proper constitution and the peoples of japan follow the rules and regulations strictly.
Answered by Rajusingh45
Hey dear !!



We Know that, that Japan had faced many problems which forced them to pull backward from a developed country. Even Japan is the country which had attacked by a Nuclear bomb in the World War by United States of America. Japan also have been facing many natural calamatise such as earthquake, Volcanic eruption, flood etc.

But, after happening all this now in today's era Japan is the most developed country as compare to others. Can anyone describe it that how Japan developed at such level? I think I have the answer of this question and that is The contribution of the citizens of the Japan.

They worked day and night for the betterment of the Japan. I also heard that the people of Japan worked on free cost means they never demaned capital or money in fact they were tried to make a Beautiful Country. They were knew that, if they will not help the country then the dreamed and imagined Japan never be formed.

My teacher had told me a shot story about a Japanese man.. I wonder to share with you all..

'One day a Indian poet visited to Japan. He was travelling in a bus and then he saw a man doing something with the seat. He went there and then he saw a surprising thing and that was......... The man was threading the tored seat after seeing that the poet replied what are you doing.. it's not your work there are many others gornment people will take care about this.. then the man replied.. "This is my country and this is my government, and by citizen of this country my responsibility is to something for our country... he also told.. "If someone visit from other countries to Japan like you and they will see this tored seat then the value of our country will decrease in their views. "

So, I requeste you all to be a responsible citizen, do something for your country and contribute more and more to make developed nation.

Thanks!!! ✔✔✔

Rajusingh45: :) my pleasure
niti13: You are a complete package of knowledge ♡
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