Science, asked by pritidalvi18, 3 months ago

what is histamine?


Answered by radheshyam6441


Histamine - a chemical found in some of the body's cells - causes many of the symptoms of allergies, such as a runny nose or sneezing. When a person is allergic to a particular substance, such as a food or dust, the immune system mistakenly believes that this usually harmless substance is actually harmful to the body.



Answered by XxDREAMKINGxX

what is histamine

Histamine is an organic nitrogenous compound involved in local immune response as well as regulating physiological function in gut and acting as a neurotransmiter. for the brain , spinal chord , and uterus

histamine is involved in the inflammatory responses and has a central role as mediator of itching


more about histamine

IUPAC ID : 2 - (1H-imidazol-4-y) ethanemine

molar mass : 111.15 g/mol.

melting point :83.5 degree celcius

solunility in water : easy soluble in cold water hot water

controling histamine level with diet

  1. alcohol and other fernted beverages
  2. fermented food and dairy product such as yogurt and sauerkrat
  3. dried fruit
  4. avacodos
  5. eggplant
  6. spinach
  7. processed or snoked meats
  8. shellfish

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