His first flight review
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- it was a great time when I was in flight for the first time
- when the plane fly over the skies the land was looking very beautiful
- it take less time to reach the destination
- the service was excellent
I really like it and want to fly once again in flight
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"His First Flight", is a wonderful story written by Liam o Flaherty.
This story gives humane touch to the seagull's experience while making his first flight.
The young seagull was afraid to fly, even when it saw all of its brother and sister flying away. He went running to the edge of the cliff but the sight of the sea maddened him. He saw his parents teaching his siblings diving and skimming waves he remained at the cliff feeling safe there.
But his mother knew how to make him fly. She used hunger as a weapon to make him fly. As the seagull saw food in its mother's beak, it couldn't resist itself and jumped off the cliff, thus successfully making his first flight.
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