English, asked by harshveer291, 1 year ago

his hard work braught him a brilliant success (convert into a complex sentence)​


Answered by olievia44


the reason of his success is his hard work....

Answered by RohitDhawan00


can be expanded into a clause and a clause contracted into a phrase; that is, the form of a sentence can be changed without changing the meaning. Let's have a look at some other ways of changing the form of a sentence.

Sentences containing the Adverb 'too'

We can change the form of a sentence containing the adverb 'too' as shown below:

These apples are too cheap to be good.

These apples are so cheap that they cannot be good.

The thief ran too fast for the police to catch.

The thief ran so fast that the police could not catch him.

The information is too good to be true.

The information is so good that it cannot be true.

Interchange of the Degrees of Comparison

The examples below show that it is possible to change the Degree of Comparison of an Adjective or Adverb in a sentence, without changing the meaning of the sentence.

Positive: I am as smart as him.

Comparitive: He is not smarter than me.

Positive: Few authors write as interestingly as Ruskin Bond.

Comparitive: Ruskin Bond writes more interestingly than most authors.

Superlative: Mumbai is one of the richest cities in India.

Comparative: Mumbai is richer than most other cities in India.

Superlative: India is the largest democracy in the world.

Comparative: India is larger than any other democracy in the world.

Superlative: Priya is one of the cleverest girls in office.

Comparative: Some girls in office are cleverer than Priya.


Positive: Priya is not so clever as some other girls in office.

Interchange of Active and Passive Voice

A sentence in the Active form can be changed into Passive form and vice versa.

Active: The murdered stabbed the victim.

Passive: The victim was stabbed by the murderer.

Active: Who taught you Spanish?

Passive: By whom were you taught Spanish?/ Who were you taught Spanish by?/ By whom was Spanish taught to you?

Active: The President gave him an award.

Passive: He was given an award by the President./ An award was given to him by the President.

Active: I know her.

Passive: She is known to me.

Active: One should keep one's promises.

Passive: Promises should be kept.


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