history of kannada is from?
The Kannada language is written using the Kannada script, which evolved from the 5th-century Kadamba script. Kannada is attested epigraphically for about one and a half millennia and literary Old Kannada flourished in the 6th-century Ganga dynasty and during the 9th-century Rashtrakuta Dynasty.
Language family: Dravidian > Southern > Tamil–Kannada > Kannada–Badaga > Ka...
Writing system: Kannada script; Kannada Braille; Tigalari script (formerly)
Official language in: India: Karnataka
Early form: Old Kannada
The Kannada language is written using the Kannada script, which evolved from the 5th-century Kadamba script. Kannada is attested epigraphically for about one and a half millennia and literary Old Kannada flourished in the 6th-century Ganga dynasty and during the 9th-century Rashtrakuta Dynasty