history of milk supplying in India
As a response to this logistical
problem, colonial government of India had established a strong tradition of active
government presence in dairy processing and marketing, since late 1920s,
government milk colonies were established by municipal corporations in large
cities which promoted huge dairy farms in their peripheries. Thus, Bombay has
its milk colony at Agarey, Calcutta's was near Haringhotta and the milk colony in
Madras was at Madhavaram. These edificies were a legacy of the colonial dairy
policy to hasten the pace of dairy development the Milk sub-committee of the
Policy Committee on Agriculture (1950) recommended for the monopolization of
milk supply and distribution through Milk Control Board and from this
recommendation that the city milk scheme originated.
However, by the end of 1960 it was clear that the idea of the city milk
scheme was unworkable primarily because the city milk scheme never drew their
milk supply from the urban periphery, they found it difficult to compete with the
dudhias who pedaled cans of fresh milk on their bicycles and provided doorstep