why did Jinnah struggle for a seperate homeland for the Muslims
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While seeking separate homeland for Muslims on the basis of Two nation theory ,Jinnah wanted a Secular country. He was a big fan of Poet Iqbal and Sir Syed who promoted Two Nation Theory. He is on record saying that Pakistan will be secular country where all religions will be treated equally and that India and Pakistan should be good neighbours like USA and Canada. He never wanted the Rich Hindus from West Pakistan nor wanted the Rich Bengali Zamindars of East Bengal to migrate to India after partition. He was more interested in their wealth rather than their well being It may not be out of place to mention. that he made Sri. Jogendranath Mondal a Bengali Hindu, The first law minister of Pakistan. The same Secular Jinnah asked Sri.Mondal to leave cabinet meeting when the entire cabinet wanted to discuss some things which they did not want their colleague and Law Minister to know .So much for Jinnahs namesake Democracy and Secularism. Mr Mondal later came back to India a disillusioned man. To declare that Jinnah was more of an idealist rather than a good leader is not incorrect. He was never clear in his thought and action. It is recorded in history that the Zamindar & Jagirdars used Jinnah to create Pakistan as they 1. Never wanted to be ruled by Majority Hindus after 1000 years of so called Muslim rule.2. Nehru ,Patel ,Kamaraj and others wanted land reforms after independence and these Jinnah main supporters who were rich Zamindar and Jagirdars would have lost their land holdings . 3.The.Muslims of sub contonent considered themselves to descendents of Arabs,Turks, Mongols, Persians etc. They never took pride in the history of Sub Continent or achivements of ancient India. and Indians like Sushruta, Aryabhat Chanakya.They never identified with Harrappan and Mohejodaro civilisations.Their history started with Mohamed Bin Qasim .Sadly their heros were their conquerors like Ghori, Ghaznavi, Khilji, Mughals, Abdalis . So the Modern State of Pakistan have named their missiles after these murderers and rapist. These is the same Army who massacred the local population and raped them ,imposed Jiziya as a punishment for not converting. you can call Jinnah a farce because a few months after independence ,he sent Pakistanis army dressed as tribals to occupy. J& K. Then and only then his Criminal intentions got exposed.He secretly was a proponent of Ghazwa E Hind and told his friends that Seeking a homeland for muslims was a first step towords Ghazwa E Hind. Thanks for reading.
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