Biology, asked by Anonymous, 5 months ago

Hlo guyz !! explain the floral formula of family solanaceae and it's floral diagram along with its general characteristics??​


Answered by shaffali80


Flowers of Solanum nigrum Family Solanaceae Vegetative features: Habit: Erect, herbaceous plant Leaves: Simple, exstipulate leaves with reticulate venation Stem: Erect stem with numerous branches. Floral features: Inflorescence: Solitary and axillary Flowers: Actinomorphic, bisexual flowers Calyx: Calyx is composed of five sepals that are united and persistent. Aestivation is valvate. Corolla: Corolla consists of five united petals with valvate aestivation. Androecium: It consists of five epipetalous stamens. Gynoecium: It consists of bicarpellary syncarpous superior ovary with axile placentation. Fruits: Berry Seeds: Numerous, endospermous Floral formula: Economic importance: Used for medicinal purposes.

Answered by PerfectSmoker909


Solanaceae. In this floral formula of the Solanaceae, note that the sepals are connate, the petals are connate into a sympetalous corolla, the stamens are epipetalous, the syncarpous gynoecium consists of 2 carpels, and the ovary is superior.

Floral characters

Corolla: Five petals, gamopetalous, valvate aestivation. Androecium: Five stamens, epipetalous; anthers basifixed. Gynoecium: Syncarpous, bicarpellary, bilocular, superior ovary, axile placentation. Fruit: Berry/ capsule.

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