English, asked by Anonymous, 3 months ago

Hobby is the integral part of everybody’s life.” Do you agree with the statement? Give
reason in support of your answer.

(chp:- the fight. ncert english textbook, supplementary reader, it so happened)


Answered by DemonCat


I agree


Hobbies are an integral part of everybody's lives because it helps us grow in other directions apart from our main goal. We would always learn something new everyday having a hobby or two. Hobbies also help us find inner peace, by doing the things we love most, it's sort of like we're meditating. Of course, there are also people who would disagree but from my perspective, a life without hobbies would be quite dull. For example, a singer, who loves singing, had to stop singing and only focus on their work. There would be a yearning to sing and make music as they usually do, because it helps soothe their state of mind.

(I hope my statements are reasonable!)

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