Political Science, asked by Anonymous, 26 days ago

Hola Brainlians !!!

Explain the Challenge face by political parties that you are observing from the given image ?

This question consists 5 marks so please answer according to 5 marks question.

Class - 10th
Chapter - Political Parties

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Answered by sandeepsinghdagur


The various challenges faced by political parties are:

*Lack of Internal democracy:

*Dynastic Succession

*Money and Muscle Power:

*The meaningful choice to others

explain because of five marks

The various challenges faced by political parties are:

Lack of Internal democracy:

• Every member of the party does not have a chance to take part in the decision-making process.

• Every member is not consulted before taking a decision.

• There is no proper organisation or registration of members.

• Power remains in the hands of a few top leaders, who do not consult ordinary members.

• Ordinary members have no information about the internal working of the party.

Dynastic Succession: With power in the hands of a few top leaders, all party positions go to their family members. These members may not be qualified or have the ability to hold their positions.

Money and Muscle Power:

• Money is needed to organise demonstrations, public meetings, and speeches to publicise the image of the party. Parties choose those candidates who can raise money for the party and win elections with their money.

• Sometimes parties also support criminals candidates because they can win elections.

The meaningful choice to others: Most of the political parties have the same fundamental and ideological issues. Voters do not have a meaningful choice. Even leaders keep changing parties, thus confusing the voter.

*it is very imp and genuan answer I hope you under stand*

Answered by TheCommander

Observation from image

  • Here we can see that the election officer is given many crore rupees to win the election that shows that in our there is too many roles of black money and muscle power .The election commission should take proper measures to ensure that there should not be any role of black money

  • Some others challenges are also be seen as dynamic succession in political party. Mostly those who didn't have qualified education they only made leaders of political parties with the help of their parents.

  • By observing the figure we can also see that there is no meaningful choice before the voters. There is decline in the ideological differences among parties in most of the country.

  • Here we can see that other people are watching that person who is giving money of the officer, this shows that they were also given a part of money not to tell anything to the headquarters.

  • Challenges of casteism and communilism is also a great challenge for the political party .As political parties makes their alliance by taking caste system in between.

Note: There is only one observation can be seen from the image rest of points may be differ from the picture

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