English, asked by Đïķšhä, 8 months ago

write article on human becoming slaves to technology✔​


Answered by MilanKumar17


Smartphones are everywhere. In 2017, more than 67 percent of Americans owned a smartphone, and researchers expect that percentage only to increase over time. But how might this phenomenon, of always having our phones and access to social media at the tips of our fingers, impact the experience of being human? Should we be at all wary of technology's rapid rise?

Sherry Turkle, a sociologist at MIT, thinks so, arguing that technology is "transforming what it means to be human." In this interview with Vox, Turkle worries that our extensive use of technology might make us less empathic. This degradation results from two aspects: that social media and texting often replaces face-to-face communication, and that on sites like Facebook, users put out a "curated" version of themselves that excludes the imperfections of their lives. In this way, technology might actually get in the way of people's ability to forge "authentic" connections, since "being empathic" demands that we step outside of ourselves.

But what do you think? Do you suspect that technology is making us feel more alone and isolated too — and to our detriment?



As human beings, we do tech in a big way, every day. We love what it allows us to do, how people can connect, communicate and collaborate. But in today’s world, we’re always on, always plugged in, hiding behind a black mirror. But for an authentic relationship to happen, we need to connect in person. So are we becoming slaves to technology? Is it making us less happy, less ‘us’?

Jane Stevenson, director at Magnetic Storm, shares her concerns of the digital age we’re living in…

Decades ago there was an optimism about the digital age, but it appears to have gone full cycle. People are looking to unplug, to be mindful and switch-off from an always-on world. Psychologically, that’s a game changer. For nearly all of human history, people have been able to find silence and solitude; it was just part of the human condition. Now, we’re reliant on apps like Calm, which is currently valued at $250 million, by the way, to find a moment of quiet.

Answered by SelieVisa


In our search to discover unknown things and to invent new things we have reached a stage where it is unimaginable and impossible to live without technology. Technology has been taking over gradually and we are not aware of the fact that we have become slaves to technology. We have become too dependent and reliant on technology that if it were to be taken away from us we would confused and lost.

Technology is helping us in many ways like financial transaction, buying food and stuffs, paying our bills and booking our flight tickets in the comfort of our home. Similarly we can online education and degrees, instant medical advice on health issues, watching our favorite movies and many more. But although technology has been helping us, it has been pulling us away from the real world.

Human beings are social beings. We love the latest technological gadgets which help people to connect and communicate with each other. But in the process we have lost authentic relationships. Technology does not allow us to work as a team of real humans with real connection.

Technology is taking a heavy toll on our humanity. Psychologically, the silence without real human social life is making us more isolated and lonely. Depression is increasing but we don't like to blame technology because it has become a way of life for us.

Technology has stolen our physical well-being. We have less physical activities and many of our body parts are becoming less inactive and shutting down. New technologies can empower us to connect with people anywhere in the world. But the harsh reality is that these technologies have divided us. Within the last decade we have steadily and gradually become slaves to technology, we have become actors in our own story.

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