hola !
questions in attachment!
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- first of all why would I lie to that person ! I had work hard to gain their trust all these years and I will break it in a second by telling a useless lie never , if there's a situation to lie to them and it is for good of both of us then yeah I can but tell them the whole situation later , maybe they will or not lose their trust on you !! so I will try best way possible to never lie to my loved ones , or even any person because lying is not a good thing and it can hurt someone feelings in may ways possible.
- yeah psychology is a very great , unique subject .. because it just help you know yourself, facts about you that you didn't know about yourself, it makes you travel life of yourself , and psychology can help you in reading someone emotions , or their body language , so yeah psychology is very interesting and a unique subject !
- my bestie is equal to my soulmate or anything else in this world to me ! he/she having being wuth me in my worst or I know they will never disgrace me or take advantage of me ! and they will be the one I can share all of my secrets , things, etc with ! lastly they know their thing with me :)
- no ! never ! you know it is not the best thing to do ! we have to think very wisely ! because if you know your death days you will be thinking bout it and it will make your alive days not best ! so I want to enjoy my life that god has gifted me ;)
》 First of all, telling the truth depends on how big or small the lie is. Even in that case, a lie is a lie. Thus, to have a mutual honesty, you should tell them the truth. Otherwise, expect the same from the other person too.
What if the other person is lying to you too? What if it's bigger than your lie?
Won't you feel bad? Of course you will! So the decision is yours...
You keep the lie to yourself and they'll keep their lie(s) to themselves.
One more thing, if you'll admit that you lied the other person will trust you more.
》 Psychology IS a very unique subject. I want to become a psychologist, in fact. It is unique because it deals with human behavior and we are all curious to understand how 'we' behave. It is the study of our minds and our bodies.
Maths can sometimes become unrelatable, for example, we don't use those difficult math equations and formulas that they force us to learn in school in real life. Won't we end up forgetting them when we get older? But psychology is different. It is "us". Every concept makes so much sense plus it's interesting. I can literally never get bored of psychology.
》Best frïend is the most special person you can have. The person you can share your feelings with. The person who understands you. The person who is the first person you think of when you want to do something crazy! And more importantly, you trust them, believe in them, are comfortable with them. When they understand you and you understand them. When they are present there for you in your good and bad times and when you want to spend more time with them. :)
I'm not afraid to die. Even if I die today, I'll die happily. So yes I will open the envelope. It's not gonna matter to me anyways because I believe in living the life to the fullest and enjoy every moment.
And if you know the day of your death you can die peacefully. I mean it will not be a shock. You can just sit relaxed and wait for death.
Relaxed... as you would have done everything you wanted to before this particular day.