Hindi, asked by Pratyushsha1, 10 months ago

holi par niwand in hindi and simple.
Please give me answer quickly​


Answered by amishakumari38698

Holi is the most colourful festival of the Hindus . it is celebrated in the month of phagun . the celebration begins on the last day of phagun and linger on the first day of chait. According to the saka era from day.n New year, from this Holi may be called New year's day celebration legends are related to Holi one day popular is that hiranyakashipu buys a Damon he did not believe in God but this Prahlad was a firm believer in God Sohail ordered his sister Holika to enter into the fire with lard butthole car was burnt to assess and pahlad came out and unburnt. Thus this festival is a symbol of victory of virtual over nice

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