Biology, asked by peacejennifer22, 7 months ago

Holophytic and Symbiotic nutrition are which type of nutrition and what are the name or names given to organism that under this mode of nutrition


Answered by myrakincsem

Description of symbiotic and holophytic organisms is given below:


  • Holophytic nutrition is a type of nutrition in which inorganic carbon source such as carbonic acid, ammonia are used as a source of nutrition.

  • Holophytic nutrition occurs in plants and the organisms in which it occurs are known as autotrophic organisms.

  • Symbiotic nutrition is a type of nutrition in which one organism will take food from the other organism and in return it may or may not help the other organism. These organisms are known as symbiotic organisms.
Answered by bratislava

auto tropic and lichens,  root noundless


  • Holophytic nutrients are nutrient that is derived from the energy and the organic building block that are obtained by the photosynthesis and here the digestive enzymes which are released externally that results in a small molecule that is absorbed from the environment.
  • Symbiotic nutrition is the relation of organisms that share and shelter one another and have mutual respect for one another.

Learn more about the Holophytic and Symbiotic nutrition are which type of nutrition and what are the name or names given to organism that under this mode of nutrition.

  • answered by myrakincsem.
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