Physics, asked by malemthoiba59, 6 months ago


1. What is the quantity which is measured by area under velocity-time graph?

2. What is quantity which is measured by slope of velocity-time graph?

3. Plot a graph for the following data and find the slope of the graph.

Time(s). Velocity (m/s)
0. 0
1. 5
2. 10
3. 15
4. 20
5. 25.​


Answered by shambhavi12102005121


Displacement" is the quantity which is measured by the area occupied under the velocity time graph distance. Moving something or someone from its or his or her place and position is called displacement

The name of the physical quantity for the slope of distance time graph is speed. The physical quantity for the area under velocity time graph is distance. And, the slope of velocity time graph is Acceleration. It can drown by taking time taken along the X-axis and velocity along the Y-axis

Answered by vijaykumarmandal9910




1] Area occupied below the velocity-time graph is a measure of the distance travelled by the body or displacement of the body.

2] Acceleration

The physical quantity for the area under velocity time graph is distance. And, the slope of velocity time graph is Acceleration. It can drown by taking time taken along the X-axis and velocity along the Y-axis.

3]The acceleration (i.e., slope) is 4 m/s/s. If you think the slope is 5 m/s/s, then you're making a common mistake. You are picking one point (probably 5 s, 25 m/s) and dividing y/x. Instead you must pick two points (as in the discussed in this part of the lesson) and divide the change in y by the change in x.

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