CBSE BOARD X, asked by rifawafaraif3, 1 year ago

Homologous and analogous?


Answered by bad97

HOMO LOGOUS - Differ structure same work

Analogous - opposite

rifawafaraif3: One example plzzzz
bad97: kiski
rifawafaraif3: Both homo. And ano.
Answered by sahil1531

homologous means structure which have common basic origin where as analogous means which is smilar because of it's anatomy

rifawafaraif3: But one example plz
sahil1531: sis :- homologous are feathers of birds and human arms❗
rifawafaraif3: Tnx
rifawafaraif3: Ano.?
sahil1531: always welcome sis
sahil1531: yeah Examples ofanalogous structures are as follows: wings of insects and birds used for flying
rifawafaraif3: Tnxbroo
sahil1531: sis please ask your doubts I'll help you ☺
rifawafaraif3: Tnk u so much
sahil1531: no need sis ❗
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