English, asked by mahijabeenali, 4 months ago

homophones definition​


Answered by manikanta27


a word that is pronounced the same as another word but that has a different spelling and meaning

Answered by manasavidhya008

Q1. What are homophones?

Ans. Homophones are the words which we spell it same but the meaning is totally different.

Q2. What are the examples of homophones?

Ans. Sea – See, year – ear, etc.

These are the words, which comes under the topic "Homophones".

1. Allowed – Aloud                10. New – Knew

2. Ate – Eight                          11. Hi - High

3. Be – Bee                              12. Sea – See

4. Bored – Board                    13. Year - ear

5. Break – Brake                     14. Night - Knight

6. Buy – Bye                            15. Weak - Week

7. Cereal – Serial                    16. Male - Mail

8. Die – Dye                            17. Niece - Nice

9. Great – Grate                     18. Threw - Through

There are more words like this, I could only give you few.

Now, the definitions of these words.

1. Allowed – let someone to do something

   Aloud - not silently or in a whisper.

2. Ate – Past of eat.

   Eight – Eight is a number.

3. Be – Exist

   Bee – Insect

4. Bored – Feeling tired or unhappy

   Board – There’s were we write something in a marker.

5. Break – Separate.  

   Brake – Put a strong pressure by a vehicle.

6. Buy - Obtain in exchange for payment.

   Bye – To finish a conversation.

7. Cereal – A food, which is eaten by humans.

   Serial - Taking place in a series.

8. Die – Stop living

   Dye - Add a color.

9. Great – Doing something good, which others like.

   Grate - Small shreds by rubbing it on a grater.

10. New – Which has not existed before.

    Knew – Thought.

11. Hi – Attract attention.

    High – Very tall.

12. Sea – A place which water has been occupied.

     See – Looking at something.

13. Year – A time taken for Earth to revolve around the Sun.

     Ear – A human organ.

14. Night – Sunset.

     Knight - A man who served his sovereign.

15. Weak – No power or strength in the body.

      Week - A period of seven days.

16. Male – Boy.

     Mail – A message received by someone.

17. Niece - A daughter of one's brother or sister.

     Nice – Something or someone beautiful.

18. Threw – Throw something, which is not needed.

     Through – Location.  

There are some questions that I framed. I want you to answer them in a paper. If you don't know the answer, then, I have given you the meaning's of the homophones below, just refer to that.

Q1. Correct the sentence.

1. We all are week because we don’t have any food for ourselves.


2. Sam  through the paper in the dustbin.


3. The be are taking away the honey.


4. Come on, let’s eat the serial.


5. Wow! It’s such a knew shirt.


6. eight my lunch!


7. High Meera, How are you?


8. Come on, let’s bye that bottle.


9. I am so board, can we go somewhere?


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