English, asked by vikas100065, 1 year ago

Honesty is the best policy 600 words​


Answered by arunkumarsingh8up



According to the most famous saying of honesty is the best policy, being honest in the life lead towards success. Being honest help us to be trusted by the people in our surroundings or closer to us. Honesty is not only means to tell the truth however it means to care and honour the feeling of the associated people in our life. We should respect everyone without caring their status and talents. If we tell lie to them, we can never win their trust and thus get difficulty in that particular work or project. We can lose faith in them forever because once trust goes, come back hardly. Honest people are always in demand for doing relationship, business or other work. Several bad or good experiences in the life help people to learn more about how to be honest in their dealings with fellowman.

Being honest shows the good and clean character of the person as honesty helps to develop quality property in the behavior. Honesty changes the person from outside as well as inside without giving any harm and keeps the mind very peaceful. A peaceful mind gives satisfaction to the person by making a nice balance among body, mind and spirit. Honest people always live in the heart of people and we can say that in the heart of God. People who are honest always respected in their family and society and become the happiest people in the world. However, a dishonest person always faces difficulty and bad words of the people in society. Honesty and good character are the more valuable property of the honest person than the precious things like silver or gold.

Honesty is the important tool of living a successful life, it never make anyone to feel guilty in the life of doing anything bad with anyone. However, it brings confidence and feeling of well being and thus a peaceful and successful life.

Below are some points describing the benefits of an honest lifestyle:

Honesty in the life is the way to great intimacy means it brings our friends closer to us as true friends love our real trueness, not the one which we have created artificially.

It helps us to make good, loyal and high quality friends in the life because honesty always attracts honesty.

It helps us to be trustworthy and get lots of respect in the life because honest people are really trusted by others.

It brings strongness and confidence and helps us to get prevented from being underestimated by others or yourself.

It has been noticed that an honest person easily develops feeling of wellness and hardly develops cold, fatigue, frustration, depression, anxiety and other mental problems.

Honest people live comfortable life with lots of relief however a dishonest.

It is the important tool of peaceful life gives lots of incredible benefits and gets us out of the trouble.

In the early stages, honesty takes many efforts to get develop however later it become very easier.

A person with good character, ethics, and morality in the life easily develops honesty because a good character person has nothing to hide to anyone thus can be honest easily. Honesty gives us self encouragement without bad feeling.

Answered by alokkumar88

It is possible that dishonesty may be successful for a time, but honesty is sure to succeed better in the long run. This may be seen by considering the career of students in schools and col­leges, and of men engaged in the business of life.

The student who cheats in an examination may, if he escapes detection, gain a few marks more than he would otherwise have got. But what is the probable result? He learns thereby to trust to dishonest means of passing his future examinations, and neglects honest work, the only sure means of successThe consequence is that, when the next examination comes, he finds that he is so far below the standard required, that even by cheating he is quite unable to pass.

Thus, even if his dishonesty remains undetected, he is likely to be outstripped by his more honest rival, and in addition he exposes himself to the risk of an ignominious convic­tion, which will ruin his reputation and cruelly wound the hearts of his parents and friends.

The effects of dishonesty are much the same in the case of clerks, merchants, government servants, and others, who, after leaving school or college, are trying to make their own way in the world.

They may suddenly make themselves rich by dishonest means. But wealth so obtained is as a rule rapidly squandered, and to regain it recourse is likely to be had again to new acts of dishonesty. Thus the dishonest man lives all through his life in continual dread that his misdeeds may at any moment be revealed in the light of day.


Success in the beginning of his career only tempts him to more reckless fraud on a larger scale, and the end is generally disgrace and punishment.

The longer detection is delayed, the worse it is for the culprit. A school-boy detected in cheating receives some boyish punish­ment, which may have the good effect of curing him of his evil propensities and preventing him from growing up into a dishonest man.

But the detection of dishonesty in after-life involves lifelong disgrace, ruin, and in many cases, imprisonment, and the higher the height to which the dishonest man has attained by his dishonesty, the greater and the more painful is his eventual fall.

So far we have been considering the question merely from the point of view of material success, and have seen that the dishon­est man is very unlikely to succeed in life.


But even if by some rare chance he should manage to escape detection to the end and die famous and wealthy, he must nevertheless all through his life suffer pain through fear of detection and consciousness of his own bassnessHad he been an honest man, he would probably have won still more wealth and honour in the eyes of the world, and would have been spared the reproaches of a guilty conscious.

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