English, asked by VyankateshWankhade, 7 months ago

Hope is the thing with feathers Figure of speech​


Answered by MehakSoreenn


Metaphor hope is the thing with features Emily Dickinson uses of Metaphor 'features' to compare hope to a bird . hope is feeling that what we went could happen


hope help it

Answered by sangeetha01sl


Figure of speech​ of the given phrase 'Hope' is the thing with feathers is a metaphor.


  • A figure of speech​ is a word or phrase that deliberately deviates from common usage in order to achieve rhetorical effect.
  • A metaphor is one among the figures of speech that makes an indirect comparison between any two unlike things.
  • Most figures of speech in everyday speech are formed by expanding vocabulary from what is already familiar and better known to what is less familiar.
  • Following are the  rhetoricians classified classical figure of speech -
  1. Addition (also called repetition/expansion/overabundance)
  2. Omission (also called subtraction/summary/deficiency)
  3. Transposition (also called permutation transfer)
  4. Permutation - also called as (commutation/exchange/substitution/transmutation)
  • Examples of figure of speech are -
  1. Alliteration
  2. Anaphora
  3. Assonance
  4. Euphemism
  5. Hyperbole
  6. Irony
  7. Onomatopoeia
  8. Oxymoron
  9. Personification
  10. Simile
  11. Synecdoche
  12. Understatement


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