Geography, asked by Prateek3618, 1 year ago

Horizontal and vertical distribution of Himalayan mountains


Answered by khanismik12341pbep9t
Aim Zoogeographic patterns in the Himalayas and their neighbouring Southeast
Asian mountain ranges include elevational parapatry and ecological segregation,
particularly among passerine bird species. We estimate timings of lineage splits
among close relatives from the north Palaearctic, the Sino-Himalayan mountain
forests and from adjacent Southeast Asia. We also compare phylogeographic
affinities and timing of radiation among members of avian communities from
different elevational belts.
Location East Asia.
Methods We reconstructed molecular phylogenies based on a mitochondrial
marker (cytochrome b) and multilocus data sets for seven passerine groups:
Aegithalidae, Certhiidae (Certhia), Fringillidae (Pyrrhula), Paridae (Periparus),
Phylloscopidae, Regulidae and Timaliidae (Garrulax sensu lato). Molecular dating
was carried out using a Bayesian approach applying a relaxed clock in beast.
Time estimates were inferred from three independent calibrations based on either
a fixed mean substitution rate or fixed node ages. The biogeographic history of
each group was reconstructed using a parsimony-based approach
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